

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Opinions & Observations - Volumn 30

I think, if anyone is calculating their life, then they are doing it wrong.  Business wan be calculated, life wan not.

Fools overguard sharks while thinking they are so great. They would often drag this all the way to their final demise from the dealings of a witch doctor class, as oppose to sharp teeth class.

Spiders can catch preys and make their survival, due to their specialty.  Their agility, strength, intelligence both probably ain`t the top.

He who is a creation of mother but not God will tend to make mistakes that men all make - irrationalization, jumpiness, fiery, adredaline and servitude.

There is one stage higher than being the ultimate servant of a faith: becoming the faith itself.

Total divine being don`t want to reproduce.  Best combo for life perhaps is the contridiction itself, and not an logical answer: half and half: half divine, half mortal.

Ultimate fundamental philosophy is not something any normal being can reach and therefrom gather.

It`s located at the highest planes of the eternal universe.

One must substitute pre-existing designations, be in the mode of omni-view in order to see this portion of the heavens.

The mission and the objective itself of reaching this plane is a contridictory in itself: he who can reach must believe life is purposeless, which contridicts some of the very purpose of gaining such wisdoms and knowledge.  At sametime, such high knowledge is not needed for wormism survival, nor is it relevent nor as important as good body health.  The pinnacle height of (truth of) the universe turns out to be something as paradoxic and ironic as the universe itself and the fundations on which it`s built.

But, then, again, we find the balance within that contridictory.  Those with just basics of survival, like that of a worm, will be no match for the forces of knowledge, for as long as it`s above ground (in the surface world).

And again, as per usual, within that statement lays another contridictory: only forces of righteous knowledge will have that ability.  Only when combined with unity can a great force of knowledge be assembled.

It goes on and on, the contridictories within contridictory, like a factory within a fact-ory.

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