

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Sheeple, The Cancer

1.  99.3% of the sheeples claim they are legitimate people, that they are American, Chinese, residents of Chicago and such
2.  99.7% of sheeples that commit in campaign of equality knows its true function and inner networks
3.  72.1% of sheeple new offsprings are able to distinquish an aryan from themselves before kindergarden periods
4.  14% of sheeples reached middle class in 1950
5.  today, year 2014, this stat has risen to the staggering 49%
6.  about 1 in 9 sheeple guess correctly the location of the capital of Russia Federation, Moscow on the map
7.  while 9 in 10 sheeple can spell out a list of shopping spots


- should we continue to make excuses for these sheeple amass?

- the very same sheeple convicting & hating on the sheeple caught by law are their identical cousins.  Imagine the hideiousness of that behavior

- equality programs has reduced the 10s, Js, 9s, 8s, down to 5s all reduced to as low of a minimum denominator as the sheeple amass.  Now that they tie in values 1 per 1, they crush the oppositions they viciously aim for with their sheer numbers.  Their numbers and motions being disorganized; team-less; and dispersed hide well their existence of an zerg-style assembly.  Comparetively, the only group that lack any form of community or teams is us, aryans.

- following the cleansing of these mediocrism filth of which they so deserve starting with Virminia first, soon, or simutaneously, the liberation campaign of the zerg-infested India and China shall take place

- we take care of our friends.  There will be rescue missions, plus Red Cross shelters

- in addition, sheeples account for 99.8% of the hate crime in this world, with a statistical variance of 0.3

- sheeples have been operating as the exclusive generator of world's negativity, hate, troubles, mess and inflicts

- there can be no one more of a source of duress than the ever glutton and ever-number-based sheeple cancer.  This wonderous bacteria has bought us innovation, jobs, peace and comfort, of mind, body and soul.  We could not thank the sheeples for creating these fantastic artwork enough at the London Musuem.

- the vilelism ones learn in this way: through brewing and stalking  it's an anatomy-mechanism of theirs

- brewing process takes long but can generate an astonding wisdom and key insight at the sub-concious level.  Most capable (class A) sheeples by now have realized that the visual appeal resemblence of their sheeple-intended act can be taken for utilize to naturally emit a set of misdirectional appearances, in other words sheeple's for-number-spread-intention-based action can be utilized since it resemblence highly in visual to the normal action which would be learning for the sake of learning

- sheeples often reach the minimum level of learning, the mediocre level.  This comes from their intent being fully lid on number-spreading as oppose to being focused on learning, which they conveniently using KFC energy disclose as due to inequality

- sheeple tumour often clashes with their identical distant cousins or close cousins even.  Our folks get caught in their nasty economic-class passive-aggressional wars waged back and forth on themselves on between one another

- Germany declares war on the sheeple amass

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