

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Sheeples Drive the Whole Damn Place - While Roothenchild Acts like Goofs

Whose idea was it to pull out every young kid in the neighbors and put them to concentration camp-like facilities, so to serve their world gains and the hunger for world "domination"?

On top of that, some of the kids were really angel-like good beings too, and were put next to the most malicious and birth defect-o humanoids?

Whose idea was to come up with this 12 year long ascension year per year program, for what purpose, what purpose is there, any, at all?

What's even bloody funny is how on top of all of this, now with the 1980s introduced "diversity' eerie crap, we could count the number of supporters of this degenerate policy somewhere around tens of millions!  Then it goes to show what type of fucktards are they?  They must be pretendercist, a completely different type of humanoids for them to be this potent at pretending which must be true seeing the contridiction formed between reality and preception.

With the current faulty categorizations for all of those demographics study and city planning charts, the samurai and knight class of humans will diminish to zero prominence and soon be facing vivid extinction if the trends keep going like this.  While the dimwit Zionists are too unbrave at pulling themselves out of that mess, trusting wrong colleagues, operating on zerg-propagandized delusions, while still stuck in their office fantasizing about another cold war, neglecting all duties and responsibilities of being a leader, even for being a dark leader.

Soon, the middle-man, the verbalcists, the softie-killer zerg lazy cheater liar phony dishonest dege thugs are gonna engulf the whole place.  They are most numbered, has risen to number 1 gang.  With the critical numbers, the revertion process will be long.  I dearly hope the roothenchild new world order leaders wake up to the reality, so we can save a lot of things.  Never let the middle-man win, never selective memory on the mediocres, hoorah!~

Jason Stalin
President of Wellgood Fundation

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