

Thursday 20 March 2014

National Affairs Address

Topic: Situation of the Current Education System

  • this one cannot be neglected, it matters a lot, and has considerable role in deciding fate of many things: the current education system is inevitably a time-consumption based and low-skill based merit system, designed to do nothing, no longer doing what it should be doing, not fulfilling its objectives - it is doing neither good nor bad - it is producing madness instead
  • the exams no longer measure a person's quality of fitness - not even for evil deeds and evil positions
  • it may seem as if this is not happening, well easy counterpoint for this: we also didn't seem like Detoit was lost with them straight walk right in
  • if everyone still have their family connections, living like a normal human, or a normal prison even still, then this would not be here, as by immediate conversation, which woulda been done already, one would realize that the stuff been told us, in poisonous and malicious sinistry ways have persistently been falsehood - the reality differs from what they tell, on the bare fruit of motion of their lips - it'd be natural quick notices, so to speaks, that the number 1 illusion preventing us from launching initiave so to speak which is the illusion that others do not think this way, would vanish rapidly, and by that, it comes natural quick notice with following action: I know the problem is happening, and it will be resolved/dissolved

  • the low-skill based exams, school score system, which sorts out who to who to which college and what level of jobs eventually leading-up to has a funky origin
  • the exams have overtime been manipulated, eroded away from zerg conspiracists whom only know temporary gains, and no long term foresight - they know not what they do, and also happen to not know dangers from their doing - totally unaware of anything - yet acts, and that's quite a dangerous combination
  • being ignorant to the fact that what they do is wrong, and themselves are actually stupendously low mastery, and craved onto desires vicious like an aggresor goblin, while having little or no moral restraint had made them the ultimate acting forces of evil - slowly overtime they had accomplished the total corruption of the entire acadamia system - effectively have dominated this whole sector - changed its course, altered its atmosphere, including up to its purpose(s)
  • the fact is fact: the current national education system exam systems aboslutely in no way what so ever measures the skill level of a student, for it's contaminated, simple as that (simply put as that)
  • and if the criminal zerg conspiracists continue to operate in criminal behavior, it will be surgically removed
  • if indeed a bilingual genius is wrong, while these do-nothing math-failing employees of these institutions (at current) are right, then please explain to me the excessive repeatition they pump out, and the sheer volumn of their zergism swarmling-like actions of intimidation to the students and other staffs?
  • In addition to that, if the exams truly measure properly skill level of the students, and hence the entire population almost, then the excessive stress on "it's fair" and blah-blah similar type of talks cannot be explained
  • the true reason for the excessive legitimacy-claiming (often in utterly ingenuine mimikery talks) (and always done in places utterly similar to a cave dungeon, with no parents present, atmosphere of love cannot be found places) and stressed talk / repeatition on test exam system being fair, yeh, is preisely that they wish to rob others, to beat others down, using malicious ways, and they want the reward  and so on.
  • they, the zerg amass swarmling biological tumour growth waste, zerg conspiracists, attempt to hold onto a "money-generating" machine, with any means necessary, breaking moral grounds, selling their ethnical and moral values to devils of madness, to hate qi itself.  They wish to keep this anti-natural order, which could only sustain, they think, by themselves keeping legitimizing it (they buying time, and they partially realizes this deepdown inside of their hollow soul, and brain, scumbag brain, aye). Also, they does do know by fact in mind it's something that replaces the natural play of life - and they score higher than by natural order far greater than would be (so, they want to keep it) - and these ones, since being zergs, are willing to go ultra vile and malicious to obtain it, and they had done so for quite longer time than I expected
  • leads up to the question, do they not see that it's cheating if they manage to obtain 'rewards' in that way?
  • in summary, in other words: This system does not, no longer qualifies as a real national education system or any education system comeabout. The quality and legitmacy of the exams have been eroded/altered/corrupted overtime by the mass zerg injectionists-conspiracists. They try to keep an abnormal system that replaces and blocks natural play, so they could gain like an anti-social destructor glutton pudge, ranking higher and obtaining far more than they could ever deserve, by all real turnouts (so to speaks).  For every inch of destruction they had done or attempted to do, we'll return a meter, with no interest rate in charge (so to speaks)  (just saying)

they know it's absurd,
they know the ed system is unfair,
they know it's abnormal,
but just willing to keep it,
for it gives them a lot,
in cheating fashion,
they don't mind.

Evil plays innocent.
Evil seeks gain.
Evil cares just self
Evil contempts others
Evil's aim is to destroy
as oppose to assist, help, unity, and so on

And they fit this description so well

Oh, also (they had) attempted changing exam just to let self "succeed" sssssss 
all while, again, like spoken, under camouflage, and foulplay

"If one's aim is evil, nature is evil, then it is evil, doens't matter any of its sayings or doings."
Lord Hamshire

"We look at a being's intention, not its.. "titles" or "category" or this and that, but just and only, exclusively on its intention, and we'll have that sorted out right, aye~"
Duke of Devotional Truth

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