

Saturday 29 March 2014

On Humanoids - Being a Humanoid might be too Complicated for Most

Being a human form is complicated. Have you thought that there is too many things to handle; too many things to manage? ever for once before you began these astonding complicated tasks which would require incredibe mastery to actually achieve great strength, a full stability, whole roundedness, and not a hollow one nor deformed one, just on the surface? (the display or appeal of great strength they obtain are often an illusionary one that seems right through a skewed lens (like gravitational lensing in deep space picked up by telescopes)

The complexity of the tasks increase increasingly more as the number, and difficult of the tasks become more.  More procedures means more complexity. And complexity as far as we know, surely transcribes into more chances for error, and unexpected fuss-ups - like groups of wires as oppose to 1, if there are too many wires and no work done on organizating them (painting them with colors so as to seperate), then tangled wires will be a re-occurence thing.  Also like how we get bothered often a lot which can be seen through examining folks' reactions and the looks on their faces, by having wires tangled up, the tanglement of complex procedures, by these tasks that humanoids do take on can generate fuss-up piling up to eventual amount that actually led to general psychic dysfunctions - some call it stress, and does express their conditions to us, but unfortunately most not compassionate enough in nature to care (to give care), something also worthy of mention on the side, by the ways.  And I believe, it is in fact psychic instabilities, dysfunction that's the main source, the actual cause of many of problems we facing in the society and amongst the global communities.

Over-complex procedures can come from redundancy; unecessary procedure and such. To prevent fuss-up, which leads to psychology paralysis (so to speak), needless to mention, reducing, simplifying, often shortening, tossing some parts away of the procedures/steps can help in that aspect tremendously - now there would be far less fuss if not totally eliminated.

Fuss leads to anxiety, a major if not number one cause and attributor to worry, anquish, sorrow and such. Frustration, if not sorted out properly can leave a dark portal rift hole in one's dreamworld. And if not shut down properly, demon spawns will arrive continuously in waves, eventually engulfing the person into some psychotic, various amounts depending on the each case.

In a short map drawn dipiction here:
Logic Mapping
Stress, which equals to anxiety (it's the same word really)  
                          comes from
                 and discomfort can arise from (arises mainly from)
uneasiness of finishing a task, tons of frustrating things, annoyance
                these, mainly are generated by complexity nature of tasks humanoids do / takeon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   - - - - - - - - - - - 
Humanoid Tasks =>> Discomfort  => psychic/mind instability  => turns into more of a nuthead  => if uncured, becomes a Joker

^ That's the source~

From seeing dogs, we see how dogs always seems happy, and very positive (carries an) outlook on life, though they have no technology, no status in society, probably gets F or near-bottom zero grades. But then how come they seem to be always this positive and happy?

The reason, I say it's one word: stress.

We humanoids, pardon, exclude me into this, takes on tasks that are rather overly complex and dangerous to handle in reality, while the dogs and many creatures take on much simpler tasks and lifestyles. The complexity of the tasks, unawared of, can generate serious unecessary frustrations, which eventually lead up to overall unhappiness, and in serious cases, straight up psychotic malfunction.

I hope this blog post clears up a few thing, life being a humanoid form can be stressful, the best thing one can do surely would be at least be at awareness, and not ignorance/unotice of the "dangerous water" of taking on challenging tasks.  In reality these tasks are harder than they look, and still harder than they look after we reach stone pebble #2, which is "ah ha, it is just about this hard, as I had come to discover". Excellent mastery or tremendous strength are in reality required for this adventure route, beginners or amateurs, stay away! (so to speaks)  This sentence summarizes it up perfectly I think: the road is much steeper, much steeper than it looks. And in actuality still is (seems to look not so steep, when) steep after a step of "mist-uncover".

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