

Thursday 13 March 2014

Philosophia - Essence and Patterns of Nature

While one sees to find the answer exactly (or the answer exactly), one will be led to new questions and with present questions unfinished. And that is exactly.

Though one can beg for forgiveness and blessings and favortism from nature all one can, one still must do the necessary tasks to reach the qualification grounds for blessing. And the even more so interesting thing is how that the qualification grounds are not shown obviously, but has to be determined and guessed correctly, sorta speaks. As if, totally, God plays game with us, while we are playing God's game - loop within loop - a game within another game - how boring and yet fun - for if we treat it as unfun and utterly uninteresting, that means elimination - God sure is as cruel as God can be - and it's up to us, the players to adapt to it - to find his punishments amusing, to find his unreasonable setups exciting - those would be the features of a winner type under his game. In this God's world!

Meanwhile one figuring out the solution to one thing, another pops up. What craziness is this, and how can this ever end - it's an everquest, and yet things happen simutanously - at too quick, too fast of a pace and speed! Everyone are forced to dump their thinkings, amount of task they can do, thanks to this evil creature called "time". If this is truly the essence of nature, which does seem so, then are we not all fools for treating this as fun, enjoyable, and meaningful?

This brings us to the investigation approach on the term "meaningful" itself. What exactly is meaning, what are its constituents, what is its origin. Does meaning actually have a meaning, and is it as empty as the empty word meaning itself? Both meaningless and meaningful at sametime? Is that meaning?

That's meaning!

To what extent can someone win over God? Is it possible for us to undo this world that is Aku?  Possible for us to exit his rediculous tormenting world, his sick game?

Or shall we forever be its pawns, and enjoy its utter disreasoning unreasonable doings? Liking it to be our master, and forever serve as Aku's puppets, onward and forever, and for eternity?


Additional Tags: good vs evil, happenings, consistency, simutaneous, ongoing, effects, cause and effect,  effort at the right place, strategic manuver, ahh, stuck on mind loop again, #IAmSelfAware, tornado, speed race brain activities, cerebrum storm, brainstorm, electrifying tellings, stuck in those loop hole again, ahh, glitch, nah-uh

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