

Friday, 11 April 2014

Photo Evidence of Case of A High Level Zerger

Crime in place:

Good thing little do they know they were being taped, and it was all a very good setup to bait them all.

These 15-25 generation kids, these ones are the dominant, the majority. Seems to me the ones that are responsible, timid (which is a good trait to have, compared to vile, overly assertive, oh yeah for sure), anyone who is a proper decent human being basically of the upper older generation did not have kids. So now we have these ones "ruling" over everyone else.

As seen from this picture, the number of person upheld my vindication, actions of light was 0, and the otherside: 3-4, aproximate 6 to 7 in total during the 3 minute span of this event/incident/ordeal.

This is not a case of somebody who is a hater, this is more so a case of a hater that got way overly fed for who itself is.  So, the cause, bringabout of this is not really on the hater, but more so on the ones responsible for putting out policies that benefit them tremendous amount, including lack of proper general maintainance, like cancelling out existing wrong policies, or applying modification to whereever needed.  In other words, it's the neglect done by the government that had resulted in this hater, not by this zerg itself.

There has been this quite undetected/unoticed, not much known/awared-of this (not slight; vast; mass) demographic shift that had taken in place. Our generation is very much different from the earlier one, in views, in ideals, in every aspect nearly, in everything in other words - this generation of kids is effectively a 65% slums/injectionists, basically r zergers, yeah. This vast gap from the just adjacent earlier generation has not been mentioned nor indirectly mentioned once (hinted) on those mass media television networks!  (later added: while the earlier generation is at max about 5% inproper ones, and then grew to a 35% at max foul elements after they aged past mid 30s) (the grew there had been largely due to corruption, deteriorating and such) (after all, the media does span a lot of human spirit deterioration, yeah, yikes)

that's my 2 cents for the day, this is wiseman Glenn, signing out

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