

Monday 14 April 2014

The Subtle Demographics Shift

        A subtle demographics change had taken place over the years, far beneath the notice of many.  Like anything that's subtle, if the device is not sensitive and is not tracking/gathering data right on, it goes unoticed of its doings, and be left to the investigators a result that they could reverse engineer or interpret with.
         The baby boomer generation (1955-1967) was at least in terms of total population 75% genuine person(s). Long details abbreviated: since the more sensible gave less children, at a lesser rate (less likely to give one at younger age), and so does their children.  It had effectively had been a dramatic demographics shift over the years that went beneath people's eyes (detection).  Not many organizations or governments have addressed it except perhaps a few (but then they did not get to the major media networks, ever, me not thinks so) (certainly not in direct or right-on type of statements).  The magnitude of the dramatic change just in the last 40-50 years resemble highly that of eugenics.  So now, the current generation (17-26) kids are an effectively 32% genuine on average, of total population. With a heavy bias of 10% genuine males, aproximately or less, and a 54% of females being genuine types at max.
          The decline has been rapid, and this went highly unknown, that's something for certain.  Trend currently is continued decline of number of genuine folks, however our wishes may attempt to wish and think the opposite - be realized that any wishes translates into droplets of wishful thinking at least - folks may not dodge heads into the ground to pretend it didn't happen (fool/trick self into thinking that), they sure sometimes unoticablely to self reduce the reality, the real magnitude of the ongoings.  Analyzed projection is further dissappearance of genuine males in particular, females decline at a lesser rate (percentage multiple times the original).
How did you guys notice this?
We are the most legitmate government branch organization. We realized initially through intuition and observation, and later was confirmed once we had done examination of high school kids' photos comparisons (graduation photos).

Is it really just 10% or less for the males of this generation, genuine?
Yes, absolutely. Though in emotional settings, sure we'd say it's just 20% that are not genuine, but then in professional times surely there can be no self-deception and lahlah-telling the better story. At the end of the day, reality matters, and until a problem in the reality is tackled, it will remain there. And plus, the ingenuine of course won't somehow by-themself admit their true nature. It is up to genuine to fight the dishonesty ones, and not dishonesty fighting dishonesty, yar?

So this drop is 'caused by which factors?
By this whole thing, in simple terms, the system itself, the social environment and all right - so anything included within, you name it, jobs, job systems, location of the word, corporationalism, life style, the introduction and brainwash of standards of life, etc etc. Everything we are living in has been designed for us, there had not been a single one of these things until the wrong rulers took over. Things were far off in 18th century, and all of these stuff around us are not a natural occurence nor a coincidence - purposely designed by the shadow council government, which is the real and ultimate ruler of this section of continents.  Basically what had taken place was: (now explaining the process): the ones with genuine traits also are ones with sensibleness, and these particular type has had a unilaterally across the board far lesser reproduction rates than the insensitive, whom are also ingenuine most likely and are also the ones that don't mind the system - these ones/types were and still are the clueless types, insensitive to the harmfulness of the system - not necessarily ones immune to system's damage, but ones that are insensitive, like someone who don't feel pain when his hand is hit, the person may seem strong and may be having a stronger hand, in reality.. yeah.  And the rest of what happens later are pretty logical.  And yes, see, when the whole different types of groups are grouped under one single title or category, that's effectively looking at less information - something these government cencus agencies keep producing. And a less information is a wrong information.  These types of information has effectively served as disinformation, made this thing (an important demographics shift in need of notice) even more undiscoverable.

Additional Tags:
no drama here
take it professional
logical mode activated
emotion mode denied

(emotion mode does too much selective memory)
(if we really look at the demographcis and evaluate, this means to look at every person, again, this is emphasized because it might be harder than expected to overcome that natural intention to do selective memory)

Supreme Allied Commander, goal post, base, headquarters, diplomatic relationships, soft, hard, goodwill, faith,  好坏,真假,高尚,贼,大人,力量,敏捷,智慧,勇气,魅力,意识,灵魂, 鬼魔, 魔法, 武术 ,巫术 ,巫婆,小人,小偷,政府,警,告,亭,庙,厂, 历史,文化,地理,哲学,健美,健康,劳动, 动物,  身体, 灵魂, 武打, 美德,崇高, 知识, 社会,城市, 传统,科学,制度,法律, 将军,军队,政府, 国家,贸易,买卖, 生产,发展,和谐,世界和平, 直接,间接,攻防, 假假真真,真真假假,假真假真,真假真假,真假假真, 高妙,高明,非常,节约,风,水,火,光,暗,天,云,地,魔 ,神, 铁 ,物质,  刚柔,软硬,软,硬,刚,柔,  牛肉真好吃, 牛肉都是母牛肉,

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