

Sunday, 9 March 2014

10 Points

firstly, I hope these helps

1. The president is an employee, works for somebody, has a work schedule sheet, like any other secretary job position. The president does general chore work, speaking, travelling, or sometimes to serve straight-up cosmetic purposes. The president represents someone else, and does things within the given limits - practically leaving none for personalization - having close to no room for freedom
2. CEO of a company, in terms of mechnical workings, its connection with other component of the company works out to be similar to the president or the prime minister of a nation. He works for his salary, and the company revenue is split amongst investors, trustees, shareholders, and then does it get to the CEO and plus also other employees. Effectively, the two are employees, working for somebody, for someone else. Their directional power goes touching the ceiling of their given power. And someone take hold of them - that someone hands them directions and "briefings", and if abided to, will then hand them a small portion of profit generated back - too close to a mafia, aye?
3. A proper examination and academic performance assessment system is crucial to any well being of any nation. And yet, it's neglected, and isn't cared for. As little as one occasion per 5 weeks, do they monitor or check on its progress and performances. So how can the results be ensured to yield desired/proper results if the functions itself have not been checked?
4. Right now, the system, many component and compartment if it is waiting to crush down, be hit by a tremendous force of jerk - likely from natural order and force of nature. One major contributor to this dysfunction/ill-ness would have to be the world famous mass infestation sludge horde cheater bio masses. They consume, and shamelessly seek cheating shortcut eays, bypassing legitimate roadsteps, and foolishly neverendlingly, none-stop assumes it is ok to do so, or behaving like this manner (or in attitude). Firstly, they, these bio amass lame unfit sludges should not have chosen to join the road of lame fail. Secondly and thirdly, their cheating which yields them short-term seemingly gain and long-term inevitable hard hit, were overly done - the school examination system has already been pushed by these bio waste to that of an obvious utter grotesque and mishaped one. Whoever opposes this fact is a part of the Zerg. The physics courses have become that of a liberal arts one, dumping all features of engineering and science, reduced them, and replaced it with memorization on irrelevent stuff - which are in no way considerable as sign of intelligence.
5. Their greed is non-stop and endless. And their seemingly insignificance combined with uninteresting looks form a potent combine power protecting and shielding them away from any "predators"
6. This infestation of course is not widely known yet, for several good reasons: one, majority of population, or better wording here - the majority of customer base of those companies and manufacturers let's say have already become that of the bio vile mass - making chance of finding a normal being, thus one with righteous nottion and intention, all that more impossible. Two, opportunities seized away from people of learning about other humanoids a lil bit has done much setback to understanding of the nature of others by a lot. This had taken place by the state educational programs. Third and last and final point for this entry: media, movie, shows, barely mentions it, except a few occasional indirect hints here and there - as frequently as suggestion to polygamy and the abolishment and ban on monogamy almost
7. The academia has entered, in compliment terms: hyperinflation. And in factual terms: an abyss shadow tornado drain hole.  Its original value and intent had all gone down the drain - it's practically right out in the open (and very apparant to any sensible intelligent man that has entered it recently) an exploit ground for the mass conspiratized thugs, looters, leeches and all many other kinds much not so good sounding to mention. Tests are prepared and slowly eroded away of their challenging elements, so as to make their own zergery experiences easier, at utter shameless and senseless sacrifice of others - they do this under the mask of genuine, legitimacy, while the intent had always been another
8. They seek destruction, wishes to put humanity in peril, down into the damn failure, dependent, unmajestic circumstances and low ground level as themselves zergs are. Their intent spells indecency and aggresion at best, and a twisted psychotic bio mass that never died somehow at medium, snd the worst, can be saved for later. Their mouth forms a twisted angle with nature, and though they walk in straight lines, their mind crawls in different ways
9. These ones cannot turn off their consumption, and consuming endless greed is their intent. The utter astonding poor skill of theirs sets off the obviousness of their vicious intent from revealing. Upon given the power, they will spawn additional terrors
10. Jobs, social security, government positions, hospitals, clerk positions, majority of college degrees, and the academia instituitions themselves have already been conquered by the bio waste bile zerg conspiracist amass - there is little effectiveness with tackling them straight on, we need a surgical global operation, one of full excitement, 100% effort, 100% devotion, and three thousand percent unity and grace,  in military compassion, and in strike force vindication, and of global joint solution~

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