

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Have Faith - A Minister's Diary Entry

     Yea, I am so right on this, very right on this:


Surely they will not admit it themselves, and that's why there is this post I suppose.

While others struggle for survival, just like these self-absorbed nuthead cerebrals, they deserve and should live (survive) unlike those types of vile foul failure beings or entities - the failure males.

Calling them men would be much of a compliment - aye indeed - too much so almost a mega ultra magnificsaurus compliment title for who they are.

Ugly males = number 1 problem

They will be dealt with with incredible solutions.

We'll see whether lions, bears, gryphins are right, or the bloodthirsty hypocrit bitchy-yet-claim-not-bitchy real bitches,  my bitch.

Their logic ooze out ugliness. Combined with their delusional psychotic thinking, it's a perfect couple for generating the eventual worst fate for all it stumbles upon infecting.

Laziness, gluttonous consumption, endless desire to consume and plague, while having self-justification and complete reality-ignore senseless nerve input systems make them spawns of evil, madness and incoherency all-in-one hard to stop through persuation, but will be dealt with forbidding their own feelings, concerns, actions and so on. They will not stop themselves, and it would be up to us, normal entities unlike these maggotory-like psychos, to stop these broodling fiend imps.

Their traits on highlight:
• believes automatically without safety checking or double check making sure that everyone else must be stupid, foolish, incompotent while theirselves must be chosen by fate, definate right and must-be amongst the top - whenever faced with obvious disagreement with this bloody nonsense "arrogance", they get mad and auto, again, like a bloody moron, too quickly presumes it was error they must've seen
• they are here, still alive, though very much undead, unlike everybody else, is not due to the desire to live, but due to the fantastic somehow-just-correct algorithm having that led them to not die yet
• others seek to do good, self-improve being the horizon, these little sons of failure bitch males are stuck in self-misery and plan to spread it still to this day
• ill health, poor habits, hideous attitude wrapped into one - creating a concealment for its grotesqueness - like somebody filled with triple aids, double aids, the viruses counter-act and cancel each other out. Others with this illness would've ended themselves long ago, for the sake of peace and harmony, not dwelling onto bare terms and hallucination of importance of "survival", which would be "selfish-survival" in reality
• through intimidation, threats, absolute betrayl to humanity and peace itself, they had managed to secure much broodling sachs, inpregnanting many human females, and managed to crackling pop open many of their broodling spawns - this came at extreme ease especially thanks to the appearance of an absurd law which they heavily exploited on - monogamy
• pure unbeauty, ugliness, dislikes life, when operating, writing books, has couple important essence marbles in them, so to speaks, missing - is not incoporating girls, ladies, romance, love, to put in straight up plain terms, when writing thoughts and spreading their glorious ideas and views which in reality are fuss and hate, and doomsday way, the road to fail, and inevitable crumble
• needless to say, and like many times I had made statements about them - these failure males are much entities that didn't die, and not normal creatures that want to live. In addition to that, they are manifestation of hate, mistakes, errors, and misery, while we are creations by nature and the great mighty fatherland

— any nation that provide safe haven to these failure entities by 2050, which surely by logic none would, will be dealt with with God's blessing technologies and methods

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• generates unbeauty, spreads unbeauty, sometimes even like a straight up utter utter nerved up so determined psychotic
• enough rate, percentage of paychos from their pool of all assortments, the variety of them all together
• false use of logic, inperfect and amateur mastery of thoughts and wisdom flow, yet does the dangerous act though cannot handle - surely the result would be typical backfire and stuff like burn-out and big giant mistakes
• example: when sees most other folks chosen road of 'timid' as it seems, they interrept it as that, when in reality it's called foresight - others see that the environment, judging by how things naturally are at this plane, it would be inevitable the realm would fall in the rule of this and that, and so they make the choice to prepare waiting and fulfill the "prophecy" they all saw (at subconcious) level, so to speaks. Yet, the failure male entities interpret it as "they are stupid and just weak" - and viola, here we go, easy to now guess where they headed with that thought telling theirselves that
• another example: when at casino rigged games (these games, in my humble opinion are all rigged, as they all are favored to the casino (they use the word dealer) ), the operators of the casinos or someone of financial mall street typical strand, sees it, the sight of people losing or falling sometimes even repeatedly into the same loophole they believe had setup, misinterpretation again comes into play - they, aye, seemingly were so witty with that thought flow, in reality make giant mistake of presuming they keep falling for the trap because the players are stupid. This false analysis hurts them bad - moves them to wrong side of track - drives, dumps them into inevitable and quite so - irreversible doom

— presumes too quickly, though a wise thinking, display of thought and observation skills that deserve a compliment and congratulations - it's essentially wrong to automatically think so quickly that the players that keep making wrong mathematical poker moves are stupid, or some sort of other words, discredit types. In reality, they made the right moves - because, let's put it this way: effectively, who in the right mind would bother with making a game that cunts people's money away, when in all heaven's grace and nature that effort would give them much higher return if they worked on self-return? So take a bloody hint when no games in ancient China resembles that of Poker, nor any other rich and sophisticated cultures and civiliazations - and ask urself, and get the answer right - where did poker spawn from, originate, and who spawned it, before thinking on this glassy walk, so to speak
— takes acrobatic skill to handle anything highly logic based - and all should take extreme cautious care when approach, on, traversing in this realm, so to speaks. Those that do not go extra extra humble-like cautious likely will do harm onto others by getting it onto themselves first, if not haven't already caused tremendous harm (in actuality, and not on the lips, that is)
— this, the following, might be a repeat, but I still wish to speak about anyhow: it's both very surpurising and miraculous to me how those males somehow could just let them be manipulated, if not straight up contaminated and performed surgery (both mental and physical) on them by a system that was obvious not trust-worthy and unfriendly in nature on first sight andor experience. Maybe they all, those types all miss certain warning systems that we all do have -- and it's been genetic skipping, hopped, cheated all the way here, carried the flawed mechanisms-equipment-having status report status with them, all the way to this day (were), evaded nature's tests - that's been who they really were all this time, since hundreds of years ago, perhaps, aye. Like someone without a warning system for fire burn, normally they would seem exactly normal, especially so if they actively try to pretend that way - and the occasional occurence, if popped out, the source of its suffering may not be found correctly, traced back properly. Something more subtle like lack of a warning system when others attempt to mind-enslave and corrupt them gets especially hard to detect and find out the reason or the source and whatnot and so on. Combined with their utter rediculous foolishness which I would not like to mention, since it's so ugly, the normal whom show signs of allergic reaction, a perfect normal thing, gets regarded right on-brush off as sign of weakness (implies themselves viewed as strong and more "fit", or thus are of "superior strand" (type) ) - well, and that's how we get madness, and ain't that just great. That goes to show a perfect example of how madness begin, I suppose - the madness which we all familiar much with
— followed with an unhealthy algorithm highly artificial and right-on-sight pre-planned social engineered structure, and never rebelled, thus did not resist, and kept going along with it faith and heart. I suppose it's not that they were willing, but a combination of confusion and lacking of balls that ultimately brought this onto then, and also us, (due to the splash damage they emit onto us; would drag us along down to their .. down)
— dysproportionally skilled, and yet baby-like level at social - the more so question is how did they get themselves all the way to this step. Surely they had missing security warning systems in them - that, must, be
— ill growth, they allowed it to happen to themselves. Gamble-y and risky moves, path of taking giant dysproportion unhealthy risks - oh yes they will get what they would receive, but it might take a while - aye, sorta like a slow death, and then, a sudden quick irreversible plunge down, reaching to a burstfire shatter which would end their existence alongside damaging many innocents next to them in nearby circle regions

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