

Monday 3 March 2014

Observer's Diary - Reflections and Thoughts

1. Robotic mimikery, robotic-like sounds,

robotic tones have no up and downs, lack the air flow element, so ta speaks

carries less emotions, and can be much easier mimiked than real life direct touching long sentence pronounciations

the frauds like to do hit-and-run sorta like the pattern of mosquitos - so they would not be exposed from long duration under the light, so ta speaks

yes indeed,  exactly,  how true,  great points

"Do not run, we are your friends" (in robotic tune)

2. Yes exactly, they are quantitative

3. Two things has increased dramaticly in the past two hundred years or so, it's change of technology and life style, and the other the number of particular the spreader, tumour growth, ingenuine, and dishonest-o lame birth defect types. Interestingly, worthy of mention, these two are clashes - conflictory stuff with one another? Yes indeed.

4. Attention whores is what they really are. attention, notice, it's actually all for attention.  Knowing what they thinks, their inner tumoils explains all, would help a lot at the least, yes indeed,  that's true

5. Pierced into their nature. Having our folks deprived of the stuff they would've gotten (been getting), namely the much lessons about who "ordinary people" are, the nature of strangers and such, then their effectiveness would've been far less

6. points
war of attrition against them can not longer be adequate. This kingdom once called America are now feeding

to prevent, much civil rights, and changes of market rules and such would take place. Their presence would have to be blocked, banned from majority of business places

would now be dealt with from its source

with the business law and policy changes, then they will be entirely on their own, and by good logic, it's probable precisely matching our estimation or calculation where they would end up - yes indeed~

The freedom of girls deciding who to marry has fallen to the tentacle-claw policies of the "government".

We often hear the word, they spam it quite so in their media channels. But who actually are there? Surely something of artificial creations should have some key folks behind it right? So then who are them? How come they never show themselves? Hiding behind logos, titles, and words like government, could it be that these are liar-manipulator types?

Leads to the question: how come so many of them were born, as sure they needed to come from birth once to having adult old version of thems. The answer to that question/inquiry: monogamy


What I fear the most is not spiders, but poison types (ones), and what I fear more are the illusions of knowledge


(above are rough drafts, I decided to just publish them anyways, enough with the formality and standard sounding grammar and structure, polished up puncuation and all - it's unecessary in times of need)


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