

Saturday, 1 March 2014

The Way of Life has Changed

The way of life has been modified by a secret ultra surprisingly psycho and highly surprising at first notice organization known as the Roothenchild Dominionlism (they may call themselves some other names)

Everyone, a citizen, in this country, much portion of their lives are on strict foul influence of the New World Order.

(every life aspect became) Heavily contaminated by the Roothenchild Dominionlism groups, since their capture of the government policies and control of all state troopers.

Their tentacles surely reached deep like some burrowing maggot worm into a flesh of a fellow without the anidote solution, (took me awhile to know the spelling of that word anecdote, oh wait, it's antidote, yeah) (note)

Indeed, the way of life has changed, it had certainly changed big time. Now the sight of big motions, musculinity motions so to speak - one of which that require (key word here - require) honor seems to be lesser and lesser in frequency and in usage.  The lifestyle truly has become that of a b!tchism - little motions, always the little motions, a pick, a snab, or some flick of some paper or motions like such, and motions that do not require - basically un-aligned with strength and honor so much. So then, how can we really have promised stability, getting to the promised land.

Interesting, worthy of study, topic on why they did not fall, or crumble like other evil forces organizations, quickly within 30 or 60 years. Instead they had lasted some 450 years in total and the dynasty establishment - some 160 years nearly.

Which is the right Utopian Thinking

two good final candidates at the end of qualification and sortment rounds. We are left with these two options. One basically about keeping selves good and in good harmony by vigurously repeatition of good stuff taught and sychronized to.  The other, basically is from fighting evil so much focus and energy that the response evil forces give shall be the reflection, and thus straight-opposite of positive things, telling us the contours of goodness. Both sides can achieve high Utopian life style ultimately, but one reaches through self-worship, while the other through counter-reflections, so to speak.

They keep their employees at the head masters position in check, under threat

Death panelty will remain to exist until these corporate savage nonsense killers (madmen, completely wrapped and trapped by madness, they have been engulfed by the luring engulfing shadow power - they are no longer who they were, though their names may not have changed, aye) (the names on the citizenship card that is, or any other identification card). Its origin explains well its whereabouts and the reasons for it's still there. This country's entire legal structure, durr, the current legal structure, does not represent a true democracy, but a hypocrit democracy, more so, durr, aye. It should not be an example, and would spell ugliness even worse if copied after for.  This whole death sentence thing, right? It's meant for keeping the employees of theirs in check that do dark chores for them, nothing to do with fighting crime nor keeping society clean - hell, this society is filled with lawlessness that the order has become upside down pyramid already - it has become effectively an anti-natural order.


In other news, the intensity of the 4th world migrants into Aryan lands alarms me. This ongoing process will continue to bring negativity to this world.

This line gets it right, me thinks, aye~
We are not better than them until they are all dead
(The actual line is the line of survival, sonny) (line of superiorty or not)


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