

Saturday, 1 March 2014

These Advancements come at the blood of my people

Not for a minute nor a second, nor an actual-minute nor second, Ii will not allow this tissue nonsense.

The angels shall redeem this land, full hand loaded.

The bas turds will get what they meant to be paid for.

The righteous power shall be restored, equality shall return,
and as for the 5th world illegal turds, they will have their skulls bashed open.

They do things for the wrong reasons.

And they've done enough scamming, with nature, with God, with themselves and with others.

Such wormism and zergery are meant, and indeed belong to the underworld, and they shall be returned to such place with our assistance. Politely, and kindly so.

I will show them how to live, and then show them how to die.

Useless birth defect-o desu desk(a).


They will receive the most atocious payment, methods from me  <<>>><<><<>>><<}}{{{}{}{}}{{{{}}{}

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