

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Thoughts and Diary Entries

That's no way to treat another countryman. Unless thou bigottory enfoulment treat the country as a cess exploit hole pit, thou should never behave in such ways

Big economic strength seperation in detailed more refined stats and chart is on the word "rent", specifically renter or not

It's anti-natural order, yeah, it is, indeed, that's true
(the "education" system, in reality, brainwash system, yeah, in brief, fitting name)
(plus work system, resume system, job shuffling system, much of these post1850 citadel hijacked government related stuff, yeps)

lawless times, without true law, rampant weeds pop up here and there, like an unkept garden or golf course, yep yep. Owner returning 100 years later would be hella surprised the new shape, that they'd forget this used to be exact old golf course used to be at located at,  yea,  yeps

Moves against the natural play of nature, too artificial, madness machine. Just like many movies and famous and popular well done masterworks cartoons, the plot and themes and ideas described and presented therein

Possibility thinking leads the way, ahh possibility thinking, yes, so to speak

About the defeatism male here, the mechanisms, yeah in detail description, how they get locked on, sorta speak, onto that nonsense. Ohh fools, yep yep  yups,  yup
^ yeah those males are gross, so gross, obviously nevah working, too refine treated,  much aligned with the cheaters, the real ones  (notice, by here, right here, when the word there in previous sentence 'cheaters' is stumbled upon, notice how the defintion has already been blurred - by  who, oh by them! ha, how funny, disgusting cheaters, all they want and passion, putting thier focus on is cheat,  yep yep,  yups,  ruiners, they do nothing)  heh, yups   #denounciation  #condemnation

When, for the lack of a more fitting accurate term, these cheaters, hurry, they are not going faster or moving quickly-er than before, but rather reducing the number of key stuff they should be paying attention to - they reduce the work, not increase their work efficiency - this may not generate temperate problems or may not even be slight noticable - but will result/lead to risky outcomes later on - they are selling future for present - the way of lazy; giant mistake, such are.

Number of churches has diminished heavily since then, what's the cause of it? Did the decline come by natural cause or order? Is it by some secret hidden force or party?

America is shopping mall, it has one dominating religion - consumerism - aka consumerianity, we are all consumerlims. Endless streams of shopping malls, it's a giant shopping mall - one thing America sure wouldn't run out of is shopping mall. Now compare that (its) growth with the growth of churches, ahem ahem, enough signs, hint hints?  Churches was where lessons about life, knowledge and know-hows regarding to family, child birth, toddler upbringing, raise-up and other important and vital life aspects gets preached - a supplementary lesson-receiving/giving place next to/ above all family and friends' tips and help and support

--- 9
finish that upload on that blog, note to self here, yep yups, note to self

list out countries, lots of names, yep, estimated percentage of wrongful calculated total human population per country chart, numbers, out, yeah
(related to number 11 entry/thought)

Exactly-ly, for each 1 visible leech out there, there must be at least 3 invisible leeches.

Balance, leads to strength, boosts to vitality, inner fire, and such.
Harmony with nature is also a must-be-done

Live in harmony with others, and seek balance

Over-extend less with yo legs, stop rushing, frigging goblins, humanoids, grrr

I cannt emphasize further, repeatedly about the importance of balance and how it definately out of question should be the definate main focus, the central priority - we'v gotta have a clearly defined central purpose before go on - like solar system - it's balance - 'cause it got a sun, if everyone spun around earth ,jus because its ego demands so, solar system will fall, earth will shatter, and rest, we can also imagine how it would be

Spirit of Balance = Spirit of Strength = Spirit of Tolerance = Spirit of True Power = Spirit of Achievements

One should all times live in harmony with nature. Over-aggresion [is] goblin fanatic psycho madman (being madness indulged; drowned in madness)

Strength come from harmony, again I cannot stress more about the importance of harmony, being in unity and synchronization with one another, in many ways, throughout many aspects and dimensions, so ta speaks

Harmony should be the key and central theme now, I wanna see that in many national policies, in the ammendments, constitution and so on

Be seeing it pasting onto every street corner - that'd be a fine thing

(doesn't necessarily have to be explicitly in word format - it can be in colors and shapes) (quality pictures are worth a trillion words often)

Yi ding yao harmony -  balance ~
Fair Law and Ruling > Balance > Natural-play > Actual Progress > Balance > Natural-play > More Progress

"True strength is accepting nature, and following its rules, not overwriting its rules fanaticaly on ego jumping trip"
"Humble [is] power"
"A humble shy creature is one that's not timid and weak, but patient and tolerant, awaiting fate and destiny, and mother nature as well to catch up to its activities"

Don't let epicness flanboyant, wait wha --- nevermind-o

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