

Saturday, 8 March 2014

❃ ❁ and ☄

Slight odd for a blog post title, but let's begin:
3 points total for today:

------- Humanoids are very complex creatures - its DNA strands alone' complexity measures  beyond comprehension and scientific understanding, especially for the mechanisms of it and proteins and similar items. And yet, many of them behave like little siimpleton bacteria overall - dissing, slapping, attempt to slap, tailgating, namecalling each other. The God must've been drunk setting up this rule - how could utter childishness come out of extreme complexity, and is built right on it -------

-------- Gift of the day, these three words: conservative, modesty, honesty -------

------- the taboo on the allmighty oh-no word - the F word.  Isn't the current atmosphere and whatnot surrounding this word truly extraordinary? Whenever someone says it, it's like as if people would really react: oh no, he said the f-word, he has got the f-word, everybody get down, hurry, call emergency medit kit, oh no, r u hurt, omg this man is bleeding, the f-word hurts too much mentally, physically and psychologically, and it spreads like a blood-causing plague or something -------

In summary:
Point 1) utter childishness and simpleton behavior from humanoids can be allround detected, though their body mechanisms and such are beyond ingenuinty, tissue regeneration and all that, including the most astonding retards (birth defects) - now how does this make sense - at sametime I hope they realize someting here, self review _
Point 2) the mighty son of God authentic non-bacteria tumour growth savage uncivilized humanoids go about those who finished "lesser" than they are by their demonic standards, they think they are lesser intelligent. Ever think perhaps they are just conservative and modest?  They be always thinking this, or that, never rested - ever think maybe selves been thinking too much, and not enjoying the scenery of life (question mark) (question mark)
Point 3) the f-word has never hurt anyone, the taboo surround it begs for investigation

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