

Sunday 9 March 2014

Words on Zerg Conspiracists

Long term exposure and spending time with malfunction and dysfunctional beings can be wrong. And exposure to zerg conspiracists' fake acts (all very (so) artificial) can also be bad and disbeneficial.  Their foulness has no bound - as ruthless as the word ruthless itself - been still remaining because not of its lack of ruthlessness but due to its camouflage - aye, precisely so it's been its camouflage's effectiveness, yeah, so ta speaks.

Zerg conspiracists seek to undo normalness, accomplish their goals or whatever, like a senseless eager bitch that's yet to know anything, but knows just enough to not whither (die off) and fade away, through dynamic (variety of) ways:
- forms this web amass, attempts to change public opinion through "giving just opinion" - it will spike out, randomly appear and gives us orders, if not are straight up threats and ransoms, talking in tone like it's no afraid, the acting body authority, has no predator and such, and talking like it's the way it is (absolutely no worries) - like the most demonic beings, often they sound the most acceptive and right in terms - but are utter poisons like flashy mushrooms we see at the sidewalk trials in the woods - comes to think of it - how come these strangers, entities we never know of, not even much about, not even a name, suddenly, and be offering us this advice, this just so, can, be, an, advice (sarcasm).   Its timing are chosen brilliantly, like as if they got one of those organ for specializing in this activity of tracking. Upon something they spot, a discussion or something similar, they will lurk and plunge out, and be telling us what to do, hiding it, slipping it under the mask and disguise of "friendly suggestion" if not sometimes "constitutional free givings for I am absolutely most angel of all species, the most utter legitmiate that we can all brush that off and never bother inquiry into, questioning its legitimateness.  Aye, that's true mon, and how nasty - how nasty so, such creepy little vile beings - good thing I never trusted them, not since day 1 - and they soon will be fully enthrusted, I can promise them that, at a global mass cleansing eradication scale - I will offer them the license to die (aka go to heavens), free of charge - lah lah lah~  Worthy to point out here by the way also is that: they do it in swarmling numbers, in numerical format - and through this couple swarm here, couple swarm there, the same result is achieved as to a really good scammer - forms this web of illusionary "public opinion" or "just friendly advices" in a grid format, very confusing and hard to detect relative to single scammer talks which are in singular numbers   (by the way, this paragraph was originally just 1 sentence, yea, yes, 1 sentence I believe, I do think so I recall correctly, then later expanded into this after/during proof-reading)
- endless spams of pretendicious friendliness - when it kills, you can bet it can have a reason too (though that type of ultimate spells they deliver out will just be occasion, and in crucial critical moments, one can expect
- excuses upon excuses, whenever it does something, there is a reason for it, though however sometimes bluntly disreasonable
- through swarmling tactics, and format, confusion becomes extra stirred, and often goes too risky-gambl-y, risking their entire strands' success, their fate itself even sometimes - this means increased temporary success, at the expense of far larger security/survival for them
- it knows no honor, for it has no shame - it is just a bitch, it is a failure who finds being not dead fun, and not accomplishments, creative achievements being success or the pinnacle of meaning of life itself
- they persuit un-death, they ought to undo death, prevent, secure at the maximum they can - gives it all they can, and living is not yet their mission/goal in life

The very fact that in this society, how that the mouthing, the bare touching and motion of the lips, however mispronounced and speaking in infant level terms often is regarded (certainly happens more, way more frequent than the normal otherwise) (in many places, locations, and spots) as a sign of intelligence quite commonly in many places tells enough how much the zerg conspiracists have managed to occupy/conquer, basically.

I'd like to tell (inform I guess) all the organizations, normal, healthy beings out there, the true homo spectratrus out there that the attention should be spent on them - they are un-interesting, and boring to examine and poke fun with, but still, sometimes it takes just this ability to overcome natural tendencies, to truly make this world a better place, for doing so enables objective finds in which is a must need to hold them off. (last clause, I went lyrical there )   =p

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