

Friday 22 August 2014

Ego-Based, Fraud, Tigerthee, Self-Deception, Logic-Excess

using this photo as [word to be found] here to turbo these philosophical observations and verdicts:
• seems like every thing, every action, doing, actings, behavior of these 2-legs is for self-telling "I am so smart", "I am good".  should they consider whether themselves know this much or not (rhetorical expression here)
• logic and memory based 2-legs can easily go malfunctional (which they often don't realize, which enables them dive in dangerous spaces, and become victims to the pitfalls) as how many times logic goes wrong, while when was last time the nose picked up wrong scent, or eyesight told incorrect visuals
• ability to speak directly, having to slip under verbal exchanges, and doing excessive tasks just to compensate.  There is no excuses, this is weakness, no matter the common-ness of it, there is no excuse for this unfit
• heavy users of memory and logic gotta improve their senses or discharge selves from trying.  Themselves often don't realize the potential hazard that goes along heavy logic-based way of thinking.  Arrogance and over-brain (as oppose to senses) usage spawns psychotics, cerebral madman, mad scientist, and etc., a prevelence case in the "west".
• arrogance can be attributed as the source of all fuss.  many folks enroll a difficult role that they can't handle, but since quitting is impossible, now stuck with this burden and curse on the shoulder and back generates tons of anxiety plus errors

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