

Sunday 17 August 2014

National Policies and Principles, and Protocols

• being rich is not a particular good thing, as proven many times by history,  we desire poor-rich
- wasn't it not true the reason for many social issue's arrival come from people given satisfaction on the material side and that they could afford to live seperately, while in ancient times, even if wanted, they still couldn't do that

• a right way to deter the population rapid expansion of the 3rd world is to introduce or restore (introduce really would be restore in essence) proper import and export laws.  government should play the role of an overwatcher regardless of monetary gains involved in the task taken, it should be taking on the responsibility of enforcing regulations and such in volunteer manner.  the restore of stricter export import laws would at least hinder the value (and not necessarily the price) (which is true wealth) 3rd world peasant population get by a formidable percent or amount

• simplification take place  is golden move.  business operations, accounting, transfer of funds, basics of store operations, nearly everything will go through simplification transformation.  many of our existent social problems are sourced from complications, the opposite of simplicstions.  it's important to pull this out while bonusly realizing how much portion of this "want force" of pertaining these complications come from social drunken contestive competition force

• we may introduce dual currency, or multi-currency system(s).  a dual currency is a base for multi-currency.  these economic systems applies to provincial and national level.  the reason in the past and current many govs did not use dual-currency is because of dislikable reasons

• the dollar-type of currency will be used less, for barter trading will be abundant, encouraged by many including governments, also liked by the people

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