

Tuesday 12 August 2014

[name to be determined, set, made]


—  a true leader should be unforgiving to all forms of crimes
 —  he is someone who is not afraid of questioning  everything
  —  he hears the heavenly sky for opinions, and closes door to other source
 —  while a puppet leader is one that listens to public
   —  a true leader knows he bears law and that he [is] law
    —  he does what is most stable and deems that to be the most right
     —  he speaks for nature, he represents the people, and wishes to accomplish nature's wishes through variety of noble means - conservation, cultivation, guidance

Perhaps all vile-humans deserve to be eradified for the following reasons:
- no one else kidnaps, maims, plots as willingly and as expertly as the humanoids
- humanoids are the only mammal creature that does any of it
- judging by the personality and characteristics of the humans at indu valley, one get a clear picture of how things is - the rest of it (humans) can't go much better can it
- beautiful positive (above-horizon) words like slimey, cuntish, bitch, moron, dumbass and such are invented by humans, which they loosely use, uses on everything not a bitch or a cunt.
- these words describe themselves rather perfectly.  In a way, it all seems that as though those words came out from the last remaining innocent part of these freakish disnorm beings struggled its last breathe, leaped out to send out that message but were cut in short by the cynical part which are much bigger - the whole picture does connect pointing to this  (sidenote: edit related: 2-ish edit taken for clarity improvements)
- everything they do reveals,  everything they do points to as though  they do it not for fun, not for living purposes, but something different, something else -  yeh, something utterly disnorm, obsessive and odd!
- vile humans deserve to be eradified, they are the world's first mass plague unliving organism specie
- the viles had done a good job blending in with the good folks who  are few. they use them human shields
- a new standard set of names for the good humans and those bad humans is we looking for
- all unfit, none of them actually right from divine perspectives, from teachings given by the  eletial stars
- had also great job at shifting standard of what should be fit and considered norm and so on.  having no balls, being pansy, is unfitness.  isn't large sum of chaos and turmoiling mess which result in horrible torment (tragedies) because they all too chicken to say directly, instead still tries to does it in its disabled underequipped mode!?  aye.
- natural actors, very expert nature-al actors, this point ties in with the one about their kidnappish nature/existence/behavior well,  these two closely relate to each other,  close relatives, are tangled/inter-related 
- not to mention when they are "poor" but actually not poor, they say lions ate them, or society mistreats them.  when they are "rich", they start murduring everybody, and calling reasons alongwith it!  what is 'hunting' if it involves massacring peaceful creatures of the woods everytime.  they had done a good job (advertising) spamming the label 'animal' to us by the way.  the faulty notion had been established, it is at already.  so now all these sadistic oddities gotta do is reinforce in that set-up and rooted seed of zerg sheeple ideology
- now when they are poor-poor, that's then they begin dumping all last remaining any amount though already and never been a lot, already small, of morals into the ocean, to make room for its "survival strategy".  these fiendish bunch ain't stopping just on that yet: all of them being cousins of another since they are number-based thus all duplicates yet never talk to each other, yet (we see) each of themselves acting like they are last remaining lone member of a specie or something, going soloist, doing things by themselves, the looks of this picture - what a freakish bunch of tumour!  (sidenote: as probably can-tell by the words, author later became fiery and super-angry in tone  and mood) : ]  (ADD: 1 edit taken place,  was a review, 15 minutes after publish)

- finally, no others  tortures except  they do.  they pointed guns at rhinos, at giraffes, at coyotes, and spoken boast about the murdurs!  then we'll cleanse them off the face of this planet, this cancer cerebral sickness disease will be eradified~

 backward piece of illnesses!  I will liquidify these fiends

do-nothing hateful egotiscist fussy little tumours, many description missing here, note
and plus I haven't mentioned their mass senseless unstoppsd numbers, if they can't control numbers, resulted to point of reverse effect, endangerment, suffering consequences, to point of result in social collapsinf and furthering of it, accelerating things towards wring side, then surely they very ain't accountable for other things!

(self-referrence draft, top reich minister eyes only)
(some parts may be rushed, haven't run thorough review on entirety)
(yep, quality insurance checked, no point planned for  are missing/unattained)
(screw english, personal feel,  does not sound right for policing attitudes, stances)
(oh oh, gotta add this one (this line(addition), later remembered): room was not in great environment, had distraction nearby, had couple disruptions,  but nevertheless, we like this blog post,  we just wanted to mention this, to note this) (to leave note on this) (and plus device had difficulties in keystroke input, was not optimal comfort) (hehe interestingly as I myself just had seen from a scroll-up-to-top quick glance, the transition from greatness to great itchiness (exaggeration here, to get the concept out  better) is see-able  in this whole part (whole blog post) )

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