

Saturday 16 August 2014

Guide: How to Crush the Ethnic Minorities

•  these "innocent humans" would acrively be dodging assistance to us if we in trouble - expect them to walk pass so amazing silkyly when we are falsely accused.  they will treat us like how they do to the homeless who which are victims of poor government policies and are not bad people
•  we'd rank these zerg bastards worse than the child molestors,  for a child molestor are usually result of the social injustice of this society and plus the flawed education system which had much to do with responsibility-wise in raising the person
•  it takes 9 thousand repeatitions of good morals and mannered conducts from the media, from television, from newspaper, from schools, from the streets and many places to keep them nullified from turning into who they really are, while a single drop of foul inspirations would radicalize them into a vicious vortex of terror, activating their true form of selves.  Ethnic minorities are not one of our guys
•  the exceptions are few far in between.  most of our lads can be identified visually most of the time anyways, so sorting is not a trouble.  these sheeple humans may not be doing active murdur, being the one holding the knife, and indeed they are not like they say to us, but they help murdurs from occuring
•  sheeples help problems to escalating, they do it in subtle noise level, a fair advanced level version of sheeples is here.  they are now very well learned and been hardened, somehow
•  one thing worthy to remind of here: sheeples' natural goofiness plus their uninterestingness both serve as excellent shield in hiding themselves.  though their goofiness is layered on top of sheer zergetry-ness, unlike the nerdy bunch we have whom spends large effort on arguing petty empty things only to ditch their own important tasks in life for selves, these zerg sheeples threatens every part of things of value and moral righteousness

— we'll crush these junk ethnic minority through incremental erosion of their wealth status in the society
— job chances of them will be severely reduced, and continue be reduced overtime 
— current government positions if any of them sheeples is on there, will be immediately swapped with another if not asked to leave home
— massive lay-offs are to occur without prior warning - we'll strike them suddenly, so their panic out of unexpectedfulness suffucate their thinking
— businesses laws are to reform, we'll restore them to the planned style so that on surface is not deliberately targetting the ethnic minorities, but in essence is exclusively made for that aim
— businesses will have right to reject any person business
— this one acts like the finishing move of a combo: printing of currency are to happen, and the receiptients of the new batches of print will solely be ones we favor, although on the looks we don't show it firstly, and secondly we portray the appearance of fairness and no deliberation behind the moves

——— once these sheeples have no money to run cars, kicked out of their rents, zero possession of any valubles, shrunken acccess to businesses and stores, vacant property ownership rights, running out of tokens for food, then let's see who wouldn't scoff at these humanoid defects by their now unappealing status!  people including fellow sheeples would volunteer to look down on them, aye, great of a scene! — — —

(by the way, the word ethnic minority here is used for conveninence reasons, in reality essentially all sheeples disperse in titles and pick on whichever title seems more geographical-origin more reasonable, and are the same gang.  good people would be referred to as good people, and never the term ethnic minority even if by previous government standards belong to a particular one)

(supplementary point: sheeples are the ethnic minorities, and ethnic minorities are the sheeps.  they've been the ones exclusively energeticly using these zerg-constructed titles.  zerg is another term for sheeples, these two are swabble)

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