

Saturday 16 August 2014

Sheeple Tumour Growth


- this society has been a free-for-all since the coming of agrilculture, it had always been a free-for-all, not so much a "society" (a unified group adhered together by trust)
- agrilculture meant lowering of minimum standards for survival.  It had given tremendous rise to the sheeple peasant tumour scums.  Their rapid growth began since 3000 years ago, then took off starting from mid 14th century (the introduction of coward easy-to-operate weapons called muskets).  The fall of swords and melee combat gave the numberical-based monkeyheads much edge on the battlefield which they utilized ruthless hateful-ly
- changing of battlefield meant changing of street quarrels and other things.  This major change gave sheeple peasant amass the privilege and status in society they never had.  Now they manage a secure privileged (boosted) foothold, their numbers can increase like never before
- today, the "society", by year 2014 A.D., has become engulfed by the sheeple amass
- we see our folks having to work up much effort only to post videos showing to the "public" how much better they are doing than the sheeples, as if a employee giving a thorough feedback report to their superiors.  Things have become very revolved around sheeple roaches, they became the centre, as if they are all that important in this world!  One would really think they are sons and daughters of cerpenicus by their attitude!  
- what's more demeaning is whenever most of our guys do anything, they are doing it to show to the sheeple, at least that's included all of the time.  What does our success or progress have to do with them?  Many videos on YouTube are posted just so our guys could present and prove their worth to the sheeple demanding roaches.  They show themselves doing well in life, as it's "suppose to", showing that they are comfortable, though here the ticky part - most of the time they are faking it, just to show, faking the happiness, the estaticism, so to satisfy who?  what we gotta prove to them for, to show we are "oh hey, doing good, see, I do am doing better as I should be since we all do think my skill is there, and see, my current performance in life is matching where I should be according to my skill level right?"
- ^ sometimes, many of our lads struggle their lives, selling their souls and dignity, forced to, even, often having to, just to satisfy their "expectations", gross!

- if any one our guys "fall out of the line" of behavior, the sheeples likely would tackle them, using all kinds of labels, daring to call them terror of society and such when it's sheeple themselves the only terror around here.

- let's not forget, sheeple roaches have slaughtered Louis IX and his family, Nicolas Tsar, assisted insane bank cartels in killing Hitler, Mussolini, ministers of Third Reich, as well as countless others: Saddam, Gaddafi, Osama Bin Laden, Charles Manson, Timothy McVeigh, Elliot Rodgers, Cho Seuing-Hui, ministers of Empire of Japan and Ted Bundy, to name a few others.  (took slight pause thinking the name of Ted Bundy, at first only remembered last name and spelled it as "Bundi") (rest of document are typed with fair agility, no pause in between sentences, if there is, I likely would've indicated somehow)

Sheeple Roach's tyranny indangerous nature calls for immediate action for all righteous people.  I am glad since the arrival of airplanes and rocketeries, (GPS, motors, cellphones and so on), the balance of power has been totally restored to the hands of the samurai class.  The plaguing amass can be stopped right now, the means are out there available.


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