

Saturday 30 August 2014

United Nations Peacekeeping: Sheeple Cleansing Performance

Sheeple Liquidity Rate:
Germany: 5.7
France: 4.3
Luxuemberg: 5.3
Norway: 3.2
Denmark: 5.5
Netherland: 2.6
Belgium: 4.8
Swiss: 4.7
Cyprus: 2.2
Malta: 3.1
Gilbratar: 1.7
Spain: 2.8

Sheeple Expenditure Rate:
France: 118 yor/pym
Norway: 280 yor/pym
Turkey: 189 yor/pym
Albania: 41.78 yor/pym
Denmark: 88.34 yor/pym
Germany: 806.04 yor/pym
Spain: 127.42 yor/pym
Bosnia: 49.51 yor/pym 
Italy: 370.1 yor/pym
Luxuemberg: 50.67 yor/pym
Cyprus: 112.9 yor/pym
Romania: 49.5 yor/pym 
Belarus: 17.1 yor/pym
Netherland: 128.18 yor/pym
Malta: 38.02 yor/pym
Georgia: 3.89 yor/pym
Egypt: 58.71 yor/pym
Morroco: 2.43 yor/pym
Algeria: 0.85 yor/pym
Mali: 1.1741 yor/pym
Lebanon: 6.87 yor/pym

Sheeple Migration Trailing Average:
Sweden:  2.2 (-0.35%)
Canada:  3.5 (+1.17%)
Iceland:  0.25 (+0.00%)
Greenland:  0.18 (+0.02%)
United States:  67.2 (+0.87%)
Washington D.C:  11.1 (+4.75%)
Spain:  2.4 (+3.02%)
France:  4.5 (+1.31%)
Mexico:  1.1 (-2.67%)
Norway:  1.8 (+0.63%)
Finland:  1.6 (+0.31%)
Denmark:  3.9 (+2.21%)
Germany: 3.3 (+1.82%)
France:  4.5 (+1.31%)
Poland:  2.0 (+0.73%)
Ukraine:  0.6 (+0.17%)
Estonia:  0.5 (+0.00%)
Russia:  1.3 (+2.25%)
Atlantic City:  4.1 (+11.27%)
St.Louis:  5.0 (+6.31%)
Chicago:  6.0 (+3.26%)
New York:  6.2 (+1.15%)
Miami:  4.8 (+0.89%)
Dallas:  4.3 (+0.26%)
Los Angelas:  4.5 (+1.25%)
Austin Texas:  3.5 (+0.02%)

Floating Quota Leverage:
Bhutan:  15,000
China:  1,280,190,000
Japan:  23,105,000
India:  4,351,790,000
Hong Kong:  450,000
Laos:  133,000
Macao:  6,730
Taiwan:  350,100
Pakistan:  7,325,000
Nepal:  970
Vietnam:  3,800,000
Uzibekistan:  5,700
Mongolia:  2,800
Turkmenstan:  1,380
Afghanistan:  560,000
Kyrgyzstan:  200
Indonesia:  14,280,500
Malaysia:  450,000
Bangoladesh:  18,035,000
Armenia:  800
Cambodia:  30,000
Brunei:  34
Iraq:  280,000
Bahrain:  35,000
Iran:  2,350
Lebanon:  12,760
Oman:  4,000
Palestain:  25,000
Saudi Arabia:  365,200
Qatar:  700
Syria:  28,000
Yemen:  2,800
Emirates:  50,000
Jordan:  4,600
Kuwait: 22,250
Australia:  160,000
Tonga:  20
Somoa:  380
New Zealand:  140
New Guinea:  28,000
Solomon Islands:  350
Guam:  10
Fiji:  0
Greece:  5,800
Latvia:  650
France:  380,280
Germany:  253,670
Finland:  750
Estonia:  280
Cyprus:  130
Denmark:  2,350
Belgium:  2,800
Austria:  150
Portugal:  38,000
Slovenia:  30
Sweden:  28,900
Spain:  49,850
Netherlands:  8,370
Lithuania:  450
Russia Federation:  82,000
Italy:  50,100
Ireland:  28,000
England:  167,200
Czech:  670
Albania:  180
Monaco:  70
Iceland:  0
Gibraltar:  350
Croatia:  30
Switzerland:  560
Turkey:  2,800
Vatican City: 20
Kosovo: 350
Brazil:  3,280,000
Chile:  400
Argenina:  1,340
Columbia:  38,650
Ecuador:  8,280
Guyana:  370
Venezuwayla:  9,890
Paraguay:  400
Peru:  18,710
Bolivia:  260
Mexico:  4,280,000
Panama:  710
Honduras: 6,340
Belize:  1,800
El Salvador:  340
Costa Rica:  120
Guatemala:  4,230
Nicaragua:  850
Cuba:  22,680
Grenada:  280
Hateti:  36,700
Jamaica:  84,010
Preuto Rico:  60
Trinidad and Tobago:  8,900
Dominican:  150
Canada:  400,000
United States:  5,801,300
Aruba:  40
Hawaii:  5,000
Jennifer:  30
Confederate States:  1,200
Ghana:  35,000
Mali:  187,500
Niger:  67,800
Senegal:  5,600
Sierra Leon:  26,000
Togo: 3,800
Liberia:  19,000
Nigeria:  2,000,000
Gambia:  4,000
Ivory Coast:  35,080
Slave Verde Campo:  6,280,000
South Africa:  2,150,060
Botswana:  1,300
Lesotho:  540
Nambiba:  380
Algeria:  45,000
Egypt:  38,000
Morocco:  68,500
Sudan:  89,900
Tunisia:  25,000
Cameroon:  78,090
Chad:  20,510
Central African Republic:  6,800
Angola:  280
Republic of Congo:  3,210
Malawi:  900
Kenya:  135,000
Uganda:  126,750
Somalia: 38,600
Rwanda:  81,900
Zimbabwe:  11,500
Burundi:  5,400
(click here to shrink list)

G.V.Ross General Expenditures:
France: 700 million
Germany: 684 million
England: 528 million
Ireland: 220.7 million
Spain: 189.2 million
Ukraine: 155.4 million
Poland: 143.8 million
Austria: 139.2 million
Belgium: 128 million
Netherland: 54 million
Norway: 27.8 million
Sweden: 15.4 million
Finland: 14 million

Additional Tags: intraday, ttm yoy, total cash, trailing float, moving average, outstanding shares, current ratio, levered, dilluted EPS,  wha terms,  |gotta admit, did use a world countries list reference, check, per one use,    hmm hehe yeh,  stumbled upon difficult decisions, and even harder choices,    affirmative, roger that,  awaiting for further orders,  further actions,   on station, on call, duty,   helicopter pad,  command, centre, headquarter,  office, general,  telecommunication, 1890 generation, 1900, 1910, 1920, grandfather, grandpa's grandpa,  father's grandpa generation, aged, 1960 was age 50, then today now is, 1960 television, introduction of colored TV,  life was much simpler, the new yorker generation,  if 1910 born by now all gone,  the beginning of having no guardians, generation of normal people no guarding  on now,   regular person's daily schedule, economic class,  they set it up,  chaos,  ride,  carousel mad jokers,  ok,  existential influence, outer, external,  regular infantry force,  soldier, paycheck, bank draft,  the loan giver, inspector,  job training,  they no look at side by the ways, yepers,   they devised it that way, had,    adding space between tags, rhetorical expression there,  beat best time,  moral concern,  what's their focus,    mhm, mhm,  sing us a song,  festivity,  with people,  colored fonts,  whee,  ice cream, free,   sales,   neighborhood, community party, so fun it wasn't called anything until government asked us to fill us a form - naming it,  ||balance though, not just diet,  very important,  no forget, so to speak, hehe,  putting it to literal format,  if best day,  then strategic manuver, lion tiger pounce, to that  chosen will, so to speak,  poetic,  format,  ye |||,


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