

Friday 15 August 2014

The Ignorant, Freaky, Criminal Peasant Zergs (An Address on the Peasant Humanoid Population)

There are many sheeple roaches amongst us.  Camouflaging is one of their greatest specialty, and they are fairly advanced plus experienced sheeple roaches.

These are hardened thiefo roaches, who have lived here for hundreds of years,  these are the 5th or so generation of zerg thugs.

They are well established, well financed, has a large economic presence, they also dominate government policies besides other things (such as being well-numbered)

Their true form may not seem so for they had already got many of good people brainwashed.

Casted the wrong preceptions on various subjects and matter on our people they have, for example, they made it seem as if they must be innocent because they are not actively hitting someone directly and in front of us everyday.  Heck, when the real definition should be if one does not actively help the society just chilling and such u know, then it's in same category as the worst criminals!

•  once these zerg peasants receive jobs is when they reach their 3rd form.  Now these little humanoid canceous bastard begin actively sabotaging from within, wearing the title and name of a good guy.  Common deeds they commit are: purposely denying job opportunities on good guys, shifting job policies, giving and saving opportunities to ones closer to their own intents and interests.  All of this, done with a mask on - because the mask is so good, also helped by the environment they wear it in and other favoring factors, many of us (including the brightest) had not seen their true form, while the persons behind the mask were able to identify us in a flash.

•  like any ultra freaky kidnapper, these psychos dare to go on television sometimes even speak to us about something.  Our organization rank them lower than the so called "terrorist" groups like Al-Qaida or Islamic State

•  3/3 chances the occasion of someone from one of us is showing high level of disencouragement and seems eerie at the sametime is actually coming from a zerg camouflaged as a good person, those moments 100% are not from one of our guys

— they disrespect Queen Elizabeth, they show hostility to Donald Trump, they mock Mark Dice, there has been enough signs.  Our organization have got our full attention on these disgrace lovely gentle roaches, it may be possible they won't make it past 2025

for a refreshed, restored society, keep up the faith
and keep on rolling on them sheeples, merci, salut, bonjour, bon apetite

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