

Tuesday 9 October 2018

From April 19th, 2014 About Vilelism Sort've

(draft version, yes, for now)

I wanna clear out something:

- there exists no such thing as someone that doesn't like cats, or puppies.  That's a vilelism cerebral, and needs to be taken out,   immediately
- another thing needs to be cleared out is: this so called notion, false preception that an ugly person, a person with some odd feature on face, "is just normal". It ain't true, there ain't an ounce of backbone logical reasoning behind that.  These ones are vile ones, poisonous individuals, toxic tongue-ers, and in no way, and in absolute, are not "simply a weaker version of us" or "it is an natural occurence"

Instead, it's, yes, rather: something is wrong with this person we are looking at, and yes, we'll call the police on them

Additional Tags: malfunction, entity, dysfunction growth,  2 wrapped,

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