

Saturday 13 October 2018

From APril 24th, 2014

Two points on how sickly thinking, sick Roothenchilds is:

- preceives, somehow, those mass zergers as not enemies. Do they see that they are brood-ling swarm-based,  of any tad bit, any at all?  Finds them not as a threat for some reason when they own 99.8% of world's computers, for doing absolutely nothing (below medival standards), been tube fed and carried to this day. somehow they just let them go, andor become real low IQed when dealing with them somehow, yeah, truly, somehow
(how the heck Roothenchild preceives them as not much of an enemy remains an mystery. I bet at this very moment they reading this post, they are still going child mode, again, dumping all attention here, and doing the irratational thinking, such a great habit, selective memory crap and forgetting the entire existence, all of it, of the zergs, huh, right?)

Ye, their policies been leaving the actual most capable left behind, while heavy nanny feeding and letting them free load, getting treated like emperor (for who, they, are).  Yes, the universe (history, the present) coulda be very different by now, if, yeah so to speak

- and somehow also  just so happens to be   [right now, kinda drifted,  slight forgotten, so, yes       ah h  no ooo subjective to punishment,  persuent to  gayness,   ok nevermind  o.o   lol   ]

NOWW I REMEMBER,  yeah,  =]  hehe good good

basically, in draft: yeah  format, in draft:
- made it to think it's dangerous thing to do to have friendship-based organizations and assemblies
- as if, yeah, ok as if we really gonan believe u, roothenchild, in plain truth, and that it's safer and better with U around, when u ain't even a drop our friendlies considerable!

Additional Tags:  not really twisted, more so whack,  precise, durr, aye, true true,  right,  sponge blob, cancer pants,  a squid, giant squid with magic ward, 

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