

Monday 22 October 2018

On Presidentci

1.  An president should emphasi national boundaris without efolovus onto others

2. An president represents the national ideals of various tribes

3. An president does not provoke for war, rather acts on defence as similar

4. The president follows the guidelines while champions from various opinions of the senator, plus the board of director equalvalent party unions

5. The president upholds the constitution, the unactive version applis similar as the formal

6. The president with his staffs represent the nation when on diplomatic visits

7. The president regularly maintains national relations with foreign attitudes

8. An president becomes regularly elected, so to destill the presence of change, awhile reduce the individualism feature along with personal attitudes

9. The president conveys with groups, as oppose to an sage with solitutions

10. The president understands different opinions, reject accordingly if out of bounds of laws

11. The president come from humble beginnings, from unexpected individuals of some occasions

12. An president becomes elected from their presidential trails than some examination test of paper types

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