

Thursday 11 October 2018

Importance of Political Power (for me)

       Political power, straight up, means and translates to wealth, pleasure, excitement and fulfilment and so on.  No political power can remain firm unless it has captured people's heart, in someway. Only two types of stable political power structure exists: one is evil, while the other is light and righteous.  A thief nor a scoudel can rule a kingdom, run an organization.  An evil lord, cult master can, and so can Kings and Dukes.
       Any stable political power requires at least 2 of the 3 valuable/key-elements/ingredients, they are: military power, political strength, or financial strength.  The finance means money, basically pretty much, where as military means having best troops, police that's yours meaning would listen and coordinate immediately upon your callings (they on duty, and the command structure is yours), while political strength means has things in check, nobody, nobody large enough against thouself and such and so on.
       Political power doesn't have to be hard to obtain, it's hard to obtain for the average joes - for drones cannot easily transmogify into a foreman, let alone reach steps and levels of the high masters. For us great ones meant to be the leader, then we shall be Neo.  Mass political power can be easily reached through non-militaristic means - conversation, diplomacy works just as good as going rough, and the men seems to not get it - ever notice how women don't do anything in life except talk to us, and they are to this day still massively prized - they get to keep their beautiful hair, gets all the goods they cannot create independently - and so effectively has their "diplomacy" (soothing) been, that when I speak about this, many do not immeidately go slamming table going "oh yeah".  Suppose some great guy did focus on diplomacy, speechcraft, they would've already achieved greaterness, and then do we have a solid persuasive enough example to some of those wood-refusers out there to these points, great points.  For those without proper tigerness, aspect of the tiger in them, political road is absolutely not for them - if someone gets seriously ill and wounded by sight of blood, prison sceneries and such - then one should absolutely not come into this "haunting road" for themselves further - it's meant to be for someone who is a tiger
         Just as easy as a poet can weave out poems, it should be as light and simple and achievable for Neo(s) to crack up and obtain the throne back - getting political strength for Neo would be like poems for a poet - it's meant to be; and plus it should be done - destined to be is the word
         Penetration into existing establishment can be a way to entry, while diplomacy and speechcraft should definately be the main focus (the main ability or spell) - persuading population, getting companies to vote and support you is the best way for Neo, it is not the case for dark sinistry lords

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