

Tuesday 16 October 2018


There could never be enough things said, there are infinite things to mention.  joseph joseph stalin stalin, pier w0rker, gay gay.   original version differeces.  reading the f0nt, this setup s0mehow changes, now it`s way detailed from originally planned, initital timing thought, oui. wheee
ok the thiefs are the least prophetic, for they see the superficial gains only, and not virtue poetics of the reality, or is it.  perhaps the least prophetic are the d0rker warehouses   hm not compelte remmber origialyl intende, the tiny (relative per desire, of current) fonts of these, and this f0nttype may had drawn toward further decliningation of users, ok nevermind

ya maybe due to did not expect, unexpectation of format to look like this, doubtfully will return of the originally thoughts, indeed. maybe to do with speed at which going left to right, and the fonts flashes in, the un-usal, when could be very well slowly beeped in so to speak, indeed highlight then slowly fade in so to spoken, yep

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