

Saturday 20 October 2018

From September 1st, 2014 Some Other Occasions

Some are on a unhealthy alignment, unhealthy lifestyle?

Then gas these vilelings!

Additional Tags:  have that experience, trial-ed,    yes having experienced, I know what u mean ah,  oops here are more tag section transport: hehehe, sustain, overcome all,  here are | modern photoshop, recruit, job, |practice,  || ah and more tag transport ||,  this is your enemy, something like those poster, tright on,   [oh wait-ey, something is wrong], yeah stuck, not laoding, { ohh discovered, was due to internet shortage, ha, ok}, and then just now, had moved some of it back,  transported, transportation taken place,  great food, restaurant, park walk, outdoors people, the word library folks, 0.0, murfolks, bookfolks,   I read and mind fast, so may not be full sentence, some words in-between ones omitted, noting this,  wheee, ya,  taylor swift, 

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