

Sunday 21 October 2018

Khanite Order

Khanite Order

1. the folk
2. the reich
3. the party
4. the pyramid
5. the diversifications of roles
6. oppositions
7. the police staffs
8. the banking
9. the finances
11. the educations

12. the internationalism
13. united nations
14. residents
15. environment effects & disaster releifs
16. renewal of cultures

The Folk recent also also Fo or FOlk was considereabe or considerable of typed of
  ■ the folks keeps relations with the temporary presidents, prime ministers, chairman of an provided region or country
  ■ persistently provide those panelized previously by regimes until the payments of coverage of redemptions perhaps has been completed
  ■ represents the custom of the countris
  ■ completes voting purposes
  ■ potential to provide advises at specialty occasions relatively of common
  ■ agreed of the unpredictable type of feature
  ■ the champs become endorsed, cheered onwards by the folks, also their immediate familis, then become endowed with various positions of prominence, with social status
  ■ the social statuses would without extra concern, defaultly dwindal if someone becomes the under performanced type as the folks would vote about

The Reich
  ■ has an large central whether set of citis
  ■ the model example with models, of the government of the folks
  ■ location likely not to contain some references, plus evasive of on purpose, as emphasize of some notions

The Party
  ■ central with aryanism
  ■ the government party of the reich
  ■ sends commands to various countrys' ceos
  ■ own private AI forces
  ■ cyber security top notch, transfered to premium states with daily rewards at regular
  ■ janitors receive special bonus packages per month possibli, some

The Pyramid
  ■ an singular answer for nearly all
  ■ reflects of idea of waste less of resources
  ■ based on ideas of productions, development
  ■ emphasizes mutual tolerance, relations, plus agreements
  ■ promotes freindli brawls that may involve lack of declarations of such, nor acknoledgements of usual types
  ■ representation pyramids at different major citis plus rural specialty areas

The Roles
  ■ with natural environments
  ■ for prosperiti & joy
  ■ with seldom excessivism
  ■ clarity of thought, definitions
  ■ familar with ideaologis, traits based
  ■ profound reactions at occasions for most citizens expected
  ■ restoration of gender roles
  ■ along with family values
  ■ revertion of the universal suffrage named movements
  ■ revertion of the social poliicis whether edict named as 'equaliti movements
  ■ emphasize on high tech with cultures combined thus arts, combined with nature, portal, realms

The Oppositions
  ■ sanction advised to the oppositions that remain for nope conclusive reasons from them
  ■ erradification also jurisdictional prosecution for the anti'social unreputables
  ■ total purge of modernism elements along with their employers plus employees of modernism

The People's Police Staffs
  ■ the people designated for such could challenge the police whether some to an duel
  ■ the result of the duel would likely be revised by other factions that would be beleived to approval, also agreed of by both factions
  ■ as an representational also other representation example, the police staffs rarely attain salary, rather would be on duty codes with some other similar themed monetary bonuses whether comes with as salary as rewards
  ■ undepdnent central offices
  ■ localized equipment to reflect local cultures, genuine than with extra decors, pronuncents
  ■ completes tasks similar toward that of patrol guards
  ■ standard salary plus trainings
  ■ rarely at public
  ■ ultra rare at regions of festive

The Banking
  ■ praise also with allah's plans
  ■ represent an diverse set of predictavle notions
  ■ pioneeri
  ■ refusal to print paper than receive bonus via sales
  ■ multiple banks per country, per states, per provinces
  ■ singular currency for an large country, few stamps for redemption perhaps at early eeras, as namely necessary perhaps agreements with some of the modernism enfected types from prelude of eeras

The Finances
  ■ the stock market to continue operating
  ■ another version of stock market start to arrive, with an name whether few
  ■ the other stock market calculates, presents questions, forums about various dates, occurence chances plus others related with similar rewards, with some similar commission rates
  ■ large financial centre offices such as rockerfeller centre also the east asia trade centre would be converted of their prominence via whether transfer to barracks of prominences, also research halls, vavillas
  ■ closenes to tech industris, also companys
  ■ improved family orientation, themes, ideaologis thus
  ■ monitor of other companys that operate from previous regimes of privitization

The Educations
  ■ reduced high school from 12 years to 9 years for most of the countris that converted to aryanism with the reform'es of cultures that occured
  ■ military types of high school kids become reach to gymnasium from grade 9 to grade 11 or 12 depend on the speed
  ■ less of hog, haltednes, more of improvements, establishments of relations that last longer years
  ■ teachers also students stay within the community largely
  ■ this becomes assisted from the record of tracks of person that are proposed similar to be accessible with ease relatively of common

The Internationalism
  ■ with ensurance of smooth transition of various states for each of their purposes
  ■ follows one singular universal law, the common law
  ■ each president elects from election processes, with some previously approved also promised
  ■ multiple countrys' currencis forming blockades to others
  ■ seperation of traditionalism regions with the central countris
  ■ hassle free, weariness free ideaologis
  ■ promising regulations on temptation related health hazardous acts
  ■ various countris of commonly named democratic types, plus republics to act as decors

The United Nations
  ■ perhaps with their undependent audit teams
  ■ with an singular leader
  ■ resemble imprints of an large walmartish company
  ■ private troopers with above average salary though efforts may be more
  ■ serves as an secondary representative, along with audit dutys for other governments that are on automations
  ■ with large command centres
  ■ with collosus as representations  for the structures that represents the countris of the alliances of the united nations
  ■ rotate of staffs may happen less common than the previous calendar years

  ■ various residential districts would be completed from related offices
  ■ those companys register as for profit business companys, with some with major relations with governments named as government companys, whether international
  ■ the 24 to 7 calendar would be temporarily halted for nearly all industrialized nations
  ■ leisure occasions would be expected from the citizens, while provide active types of commercials with signalling, recommendation of the scheluling would be prepared by various groups
  ■ safety for ambulance readily available
  ■ graduationi for those professions based on other merits, almost entirely on hobbis, with mutual agreedednes, that of provided, enhenced by certain type of facilitis, perhaps also venues

Environment Factors also factors considerable was typed of,
  ■ garbage & recycle to be automated
  ■ peservation of culture pioneers to be rewarded accordence to their accomplishments
  ■ nope extra excess garbage without sustainable develop reason, enwith the ideaologis of the governments

Renewal of Cultures
 ■  strong support to independent also diversification of cultures, as considered as natural occurences
 ■ cancellation of anti'social enfluences should be immediate
 ■ restoration of cultures begin with the restoration of the aryan reich, as represent the higher archelon of morality along with all cultures' features
 ■ preference of zero discrimination toward that of favortism
 ■ agree with prejudices as needed procedures sort've
 ■ reward preferable translatable to reputation based items, specialty items, most likely also of wishes generally would be favors attained

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