

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Today's Thoughts - 4.22.2014

      Sir, sir, pause for a minute, what do u mean sir, sir, let's get this sorted out first.  What do you mean those creatures are more basic or are by your words "lower"?  They are not retarded, are they not, so then how are they "lower"?

and this is the period of recession. We in this right now, but news networkss eems to mention it few times if anya t all, as much as the word "maybe or quote unquote I do not know from the know-it-all magazines and articles

in similar words, this is the period of recession, yeah, indeed is, but they rarily talk about it if any at all as if it is not

xD  yeah

rise of bigots
rise of fake intellectuals
rise of scoudels
rise of wanna-bes
and the rise of know-it-alls

marked this century

quite modern isn't it

Plus: these outsider comers speak the words, but not the language. Certainly does not carry the culture
these are categories that get looked at when we do serious evaluations

happen to be not the case in our current system, hm, for a specific reason?

the r-man, has been everywhere, visited, shaked hand with many, carrying its usual case and the same ol' suit ever shining and always wearing,  worn for decades, yeah.

  r-man  aka roothenchild agentman

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