

Sunday, 7 October 2018

From April 8th, 2014

        Anywho, effectively the New World Order continue to show a relentless bias towards white populations and solely the white people.  The standard and limits in which they incorporate people under that defination being an ultra blurred one, a generalization too lose / undefined to be used (to be a basis for) for any further decision making makes this whole hate campaign on them all that pure nonsense on top of already much piles of garbage thinking/intents and whathaveyou.  They seem to not take a hint at how almost everyone, whether senator, military officers, population, authors, famous scholars and such are not remotely aware of they doing this, at least by the way to talk doens't seem to be.  They somehow just don't see that the reason everyone else don't see this almost is not due to their brilliance, but because they are being retarded fuckwit, for the lack of a better term there, that no one else sane enough would even bother trying.

are New World Order groups, whom are the ruler of this parts of the planet (they are the ones can setup laws, make modification at ease and etc) ultra wrapped or something?  I suppose.  some genius just are evil genius, born with severe defects here and there, and likely along with conditions since birth or young toddler stages

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