

Sunday, 7 October 2018

From May 22nd, 2014

The Dark Side
- threatens, presses the candidates, its students to listen
- pushes others to things
- based and utilizes on dark desires, such as greed, glutton, malice, sinistry, jealousy, lust, etc
- based on literal-format communication if they are very capable
- opens inwardly, like a dark flower
- total dictatorship with the guise of a democratic structure; all comes from the top citadel command
- no privacy on private matter, while secretcy on public subjects

The Good Side
- inspires, motivates, captivates people's wishes
- pulls, attract the people
- based on heart-spoken communication
- opens outwardly, like a flower
- discusses choices, in a true democratic fashion
- public openness, free and peaceful

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