

Monday 1 October 2018

'Most uncreative, underclass (aka goyims) indeed are a psycho bunch. As they expand to 5 billion, 6 billion then onto 8 billion or might as well be 10 billion soon enough, the first thing they bother with is competing with thier fellow mates, whom which are their identical cancer cells, instead of doing the civilized, pardon, the normal-enough: forming bonds, alliances, gathering friends together and so on. "

additional a or tags: tags, also from february 4th, 2015, whether also calendar year 2015 of, calendar year'es, or calendar'es, alo or, also cosign, or countrigen'es, or tet or text'es, fonts, descriptn'es, blog descirptn'es, also, or of, also of,

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