

Monday 1 October 2018

On Equality (the mimikery version)

• equality is often heard as an mimikery used by the sheeple terror amass to rob
• it's been used by these passive-aggressives as a gimmikery to loot and steal, to siphon and slush
• the users of the mimikery version understand little the meaning of the word other than the malicious (aspect) form of it
• the mimikery version share similar (same enough) pronounciation & syllabals as the original / as the regular

• we can see now, by year 2015 that this mimikery version of equality means sheeple-favortism
• anything equality indeed means favortism toward the sheeple cancer passive-aggressive (short term for pazi) amass
• much resources, of all kinds, had been relocated to their receive box
• this tells us that the judgement based on a person based on its equality-caused resource ownership of both tangible and intangible kinds may be incorrect, and may demand extra investigation

• take poker as perfect example, most peasants had gained access to teachers or teachings that by natural order would not have received.  Most of this privilege and valuable resource had been re-located to the peasant amass.  Other adjacent topics/sub-topics aside, the books could've at least had some backfiring content so they were tricked instead, but unfortunately, it did not occur, insteadio was pleasant sweet fresh know-hows they had received, not a single quarter wounds put onto the salmon

We shall ban "equality"
as well as all of the "equality" bandwagoners,
trumpetters, users and such.


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