

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Shadow Council Of USA From October 28th, 2014


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For the Record
— they had introduced the concept of literacy, designed to shorten gap; narrow away social identities; increase trust and familarity to their fonts and their languages
— they had introduced the idea of paper currency system, so they could print an vast amount, as they thought or fanatically wished, turns out national economy limits their printing to a small percentage, for their actual gain that is
— they had formulated a complete 
— they had planned out the enslavement of all of its population, to be achieved through various means, often guised as "universal sufferage" and any other dark spell they can find
— they had reformatted the family values, the purpose was to fulfill the objective of a war machine nation, having everyone transformed into a gear, a component, while they are the master of this mechanized war beast. This did not go as well as they anticipated nor did plan go well smoothly. And through this break up of family bonds, can this happen - they had to make everyone seperated. Also the weakening effect of the population, as they thought, was a major attraction. This in whole did not go quite well, lots of jigjags on the way, events and unforeseen occurences, symptoms, mishaps popped here on and out, but nevertheless they went on with this "plan" 
— they had altered the market and business general conducts, so as to make their treacherous claws easier and more powerful, little did they anticipate, the smallpudge types end up utilizing it the most and benefitting most from this maggot fissure hole they themselves had to dug

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