

Sunday, 23 February 2014

On Their Future Fate


Their Fate, Fate of these Lowlife Humanoids 2-Legs

         The problem with the humanoid is not that it's currently good, presently "rich", nor has "skills" or sometimes straight up no skill but leech skills too, but with that it's potentially bad and highly dangerous to the harmony of nature and balance of sky and earth itself.
         This is currently a key issue, one of the most heated and central topic of all matters, issues, things, problems, it plays a pinaccle/pivatol role in deciding the future of mankind's fate and that of beyond creatures and environments.
         It is my personal suggestion, more so a passion, to vigurously hunt them down, to remove them from all businesses, civil access, existence and such from across the globe, universally off the face of this planet for eternity.  For reasons I'd like to present here being:

  • though seemingly presently good and is "kind", if gets taught with bad morals, and wrongful stuff, they could easily "pick it up" and become such a horror fiend. Most if not all of these humanoid lowlife birth defect pigly-bile type fit in this description, so to speaks
  • have contributed to already man-made crimes, such as ozone layer depletion, deforestration, killing of many wonderful creatures of woods and life, pollution, garbage dump fill, corruption, contamination, the famous bp spill and many other oil spills and beyond, and much more.  If these are not considerable as crime by anyone in those parties or administrations then they are part of the problem/criminial-hive-syndicate-group
  • they worships on ego, lives to this day from cheating with nature. Though they sure do seem as "honest beings" like us, in reality, they are highly honesty off of their self-told delusional lies
  • my commendation is to completely abolish all civil liberties, business access, any government-state-based services from fire protection to police protection and healthcare (hospitals), gas pipes, winter heating, electricity and so on - they must survive on their own now - no more trading with us, no relying on us to do for them, so to speaks
  • and my passion is to hunt them down and destroy them as labels of maggotoids or injectionists. These hideous creature must be done before 2050, it is my vigurous passion, to destroy them, as part of my sworn alligeance to protect nature, cultivate the environment, and live in peace and unity with much of all parts of this great balanced environment, hoorah!
  • if I do fail to do so, it's because I am playing a trick to pretending as fail to do so so another me could do more. They shall never survive out of this by 2050, year circa.  Like any psychologists, pretending weak, looking as if insiginificant or "has lost" is usually part of them on the road of winning - it appear to many on the exterior, including my near party members that I seem to be doing something else again very much so - in reality, it would be likely be me on the right path, some necessary manuver taken to "trick" them into the ultimate baits, or one of the major baits

Prime Minister Glenn
Feb 23, 2014
Minister's Office

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