

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Opinion 55

Topics: under-representation and accurate-serious descripto of evil in movies and shows
two sides of things both side deceiving another simutaneously
dogs' royalty is of normal to royal folks while is of royal to not so royal folks

The downplay of evil in various movies, cartoons and stories, their lesser description of their true capabilities I think had given

The mass-numbered type of evil wasn't mentioned at formiddable frequent rate until recent times: the zombie genre is one of such type.

Those movies and cartoons in fact had assisted evil through that lesser portrayer of their true natures.

Cartoons can enhence a person's memory easier than words.

We should support use of visual representations everywhere, rather than text based, across most of our platforms.

I'd draw this one sometime in the future: 
Two Sides of Things
in one frame the zergs think in thought bubble box: ha ha, I have successfully deceived the chairman.  While in the other frame the same chairman who is now an evil lord think in its thought bubble box: haha, these people, audience members have no idea what I had done in the past.

Dogs, I believe are more than companions, they are our masters.

Dogs, I had always thought they are normal.  It is the
goyims that are fiendish, and far away from being royal.

And truly, indeed any royal person would preceive dogs
as normal, where as the slightly more inclined to manipulationrism
types would fetch that description.

The idea 'high' as in 'high ground' came long before arrival of mammals.

In the insect and bug world, generally, a higher intelligence or wiser or more special (psychic power; mathematical; methodox) insect laid eggs at higher planes.

Those higher spots on the cliffs of caves gave greater air.  While like the sea world, the bottom pit usually had toxins and frequent disturbances.

Additionally, algeas and unwanted bacteria types traverse in those realms, which may cause some problems if not also deter to the newborns' growth in egg, and getting-out format.

Interestingly, the word high can be used between two different levels of learners, thinkers, performers in a conversation, despite how different their experiences associated with the word is, and the knowledge there attached onto.

One lumberjack could be using the word in faulty or in lack ways like the scoudel next yard away for their entire life span without once bumped into visible notice of that vacancy.

An adult all grown up from a child modeil can be having the word high in shallow understanding, but by the pronounciation especially with personal addition may sound the same as a sage's version - though the words may be different word, the exterior outlet may be same cargo, very identical sets of shoes.

And indeed with zero meaning or viguor attached to the word, things could still work out somehow.  Different impression and infos would be transfered, but nevertheless any detection system may pass through these cartriges.

This phenomenom-nom looks to be that the lord has made the world based on judging on a suit than the content within.

The ideas, and long chain of trains of experiences and knowledge tied with the engine, the word, seems to be different-able, and would be seen as the same train as any other one for as long as that first part of train, the engine compartment had same color shade, of combination.  
During exchange on the same topic, using the same word, different ideas may be present, with the same initial train color, dis-normalty contacts and negotiations happen - resulting in train wreckages that show no burning signs nor loud clang sounds.

Though would those train wrecks be counted.

One can gather different idea (also misplace info, modify existing, change priortition, and et cetera) from someone (from doing those exchanges), for good or for bad, or for neutral, or for temporary good, long term bad, or temporary neutral, long time good, and all those combinatorials.  

If world only depended on thoughts and ideas, beliefs and those preceived tiny notes, which it isn't, then unless with vast presence of idea-resetters, the society would be spiralling down to chaos.  

The new mode would be a form of balance actually: since all are blind, there isn't much suffering.  The worst scenario perhaps are the current case: lots of blinds, some bright thinkers, dipped in one little sink, jammed in one little room and hallway, persuing the bad-optimission (maximus optima) principle: half good and half bad, is the often most bad.

The bad maximus optima principle can be re-worded to baximus optima principle.

There are many similar such parallel-ism in the world: for example: the worst number of worms seen on an apple being eaten is perhaps half a worm.  The ugliest person is probably trying to be beautiful at sametime, wearing bikini.  The strongest iron is half iron half carbon.  The most capable in thiefery is somebody half good and half bad (knows enough about ways of the good), though this contest would registers many ties at the top, as we shall not downplay the number significance unlike those movies and shows.  We wish to fill their missing gap, do that work for them.

This half-half theorem is also closely-knitted with the theorem of duality, another principle on patterns of nature.

Total chaos actually wouldn't be all that bad, speaking of which.

The total chaos type of ecosystem and society would be in itself quite a beauty.

Though nothing is done properly, and things go out of normal ways, but because everything is not done properly, in there, we have some beauty, out of there, order arises.

A chaotic type of order can be an order.  Though nobody is actually doing right thing, but because everyone is doing it wrong, the wrong gets preceived right, and they all feel happy doing the wrong thing.

A total of, and a shortage of, 0 anxiety nodes would be there.  So would zero hellgates, zero abyssgates, or the tendrils of hate, or the rifts of shadows.

From there, in the above ideas presented, we see how fabulous life is: that the word chaos itself is in order in delicate intrinsic ways.

Every chaos seem to signify order.

While the real chaos wouldn't even be called chaos.

And in addition the normal usage of word chaos almost as if describes an alternate version of order that we don't prefer.

While the real chaos are usually not the one being picked on, or designated, or mentioned. or the ones being discussed.

From the above, we also see that perhaps the word order itself is chaos in its reversed image.  An image that's different from the 'opposite' word chaos in syllabal combination, when in of essence form, is the samething literally.

Does the pair word chaos and order or order and chaos indeed is the same thing with little tiny differences.  Is the difference there? Have we added or have we reduced?

Could it be throughout all this time that the word chaos and order evolved like a creature, that wisermen are born by the hour, arrive and uncover the mysteries inside the box, adding to the existent surveyed grounds beneath the soil, that it was first simply syllabal combination attached as identifier (idea recallers) to a set (pair) of ideas, then later grew, filling the info behind the syllabals (the name tag) more and more as time passed on?  So it wasn't the word that came first, nor had the meaning always been there despite the unchanging exterior outside (the words themselves), but the ideas always been there, except not in the body of knowledge, to which someone had to grab and deposit, and the name tags came after the ideas?

The order we are in, or any order rather, could very well be, at any given time or situation, another chaos ready for us to understand its heavenly grace, or sometimes disgrace.

Whether beauty or the ugly the answers turn out, life is a perputual loop of seeking answer, and fixing the past.  

The adventure never ends.  Neither will our thoughts, and investigation into the universe.  Seeking brings out an new answer.  The answer generates more seekings.  One completed goal, returns another milestone to reach - the adventure continues.  And that is the life: the everquest.

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