

Monday 16 March 2015

Opinion 67

The badds deduct, weaken others.

The righteous empower, strengthen partners.

Badds' team are formed instantaneously (on the spot).  It carries little trust, and is bound together by common convergeance: like a flock of crows chasing one meal, 'nd sometimes a rather no meal (but imagines).

It may not be always feel-able when deduction from them take place.  Those spells glide gently like some fabulous mosquitas.

Indeed, the potency of their spell come from light to the detection (touch), than its actual potency.

While our powers are mostly are of the visible, and are devestating if hit.

Instinct ish important, yes.

Instinct differs from intelligence, which also differs from ways.

These being abstract terms make define, the action of, a koon.

How short are the turds, of natural instincts.  

They somehow do not know; ain't born with; has to learn about it: plants make excellent humidifiers.

Rain and water vapors sprayed do not make much of a humidifer, because in brief, they produce droplets.  While the water slung back and flipped out of the end of the stem or evaporated (radiated) out of the leaf pores stick to the air a whole lot better.

Instead of sticking a natural scenery next to them.  They build a factory on it so they could spend the profit made on visiting Mexico pennisula.  No wonder they are called locos.

People chasing their lives' effort for somebody's printed texturized paper is the evil goblin's grand wet dream.  Its manbooobs would be wet as a dark cave.

People ought to think less.  Thinking uses others' sways, relies on gossip, makes no decision of its own.

Servants think, lords create, barons call, generals lead.  

There ish an actual way of think: and that is: to no-mind.  Be entering a state of no-mind, and thou will feel all there is to be realized.

Passive-aggression (the better kind, closer to moral types) uses long-term investment as immediate reinforcements on the small fights, while diminishing its overall return.

The righteous way involves forgeiting a thousand small fights, but wins the major ones.

Like every single great long-term investment, it appeals less to the feeble minded than instant-'rich' schemes.

The central-Vatican plague shifted from churches to the government.  They continue to play the Jesus Christ role, in shielding the gullibles from the reality outside, casting an image of an adult's santa to their mind.  

That organization is master at this.

Ministry of Health, Veterans Affrairs, Red Cross, The United Way, and various names are examples of this (their) Jesus-play.  

(Continued from above) 
While the righteous groups are persistent.  There is regulatory visits, a schedule which is, ascensions, membership card, veterancy, leaders and et cetera.  

One particular evil is exception to the mentioned rule: it's none other than the necromancer cults.  

Those cryptic cults rely on facts, knowledges (shadow knowledges), scriptures, strict rulings, obediency, hunger (egos; vacancies), terminologies and such for their continue-al (continued renewal, against the team assemblely decay). 

Indeed, there are lots of softie psycho defect over-learned humans out there.

These freaks are gangsters, without the muscle type of gangster.

They are demanding submission whenever they come at the harmless little f-word said.

Cowards, let's define this jargon.

Cowards aren't weak, as the cowards would like folks to believe in.

Cowards are rather specialized in discipline and in the skill area of harassing the legit, in disrespecting ways, often committed in, so to "make self look capable".

Cowards aren't weaker versions of our lads.

A true weaker version of us would be the pair of mountain cat to regular cat.  

All birth defects should be morphed into cookies, or perhaps bbq depending on the preference of the day.  These biological scums follows the banner and faith of anti-everything.

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