

Friday 20 March 2015

Opinion 56

The word of the century shall be: instincts.

Skullsoids may be intelligent, and well-taught, but they short on instincts.

Instincts means doesn't have to be taught.

Instincts are immediate, are instant.

Admittedly, I have great instincts.

The Republic led by People's Party recommends: Differentiated Pricing, starting this April for all businesses.  Owners or staff of the stores now have the right to alter price within a reasonable margin depending on the customer, by any non-criminal or malicious merit at the time of the purchase.

It's a great action (word to be swapped if found a better in thesaurus).  It's something we proud of.

Truly fortunate are those who live during the era of Glennison (name to be replaced later).

Another central theme we shall proceed on: the rat cult, which we explain its hierarchy and the cutting of profits from one ranking onto the next, in especialty. 

"The pyramid" would be the one we speeching this (name) to.

The word of the street shall be: beauty.

Beauty is important, beauty is the key.

Beauty is doing things in long-term way.

Beauty is having reserves, being full, and of wealthy

Beauty is communication & mutual respect to all other life beings.

Beauty is doubting no one and hinder nothing.

A beautiful city would have roads taken the runner-up production optimization.

Heck, beauty is always runner-up to all vicious competition.

Through that modest manner, beauty takes the real championships.

Those roads would be curvy, dynamic as oppose to straight and factory-style. That is of beauty.

Beauty speaks the language of peace & friendship, discriminates none.

The phrase "population out of control" tends to mean: out of our control, out of Lord's control, out of Jesus's control.

Teachings, classroom lessons and anything of that sort is associated with lamerists.

Teachings, cater to lamerists.

A lamerist would reveal itself without teachings received. It would turn lame.

A true qualified humanoid would stay in the proper principles & values which the ancestral energy gave with or without any subsequent teachings after birth.

We can see that a lamerist could mis-represent itself taking a lucky moment to hide its potential monsterous flaw, which is the capacity to be taught wrong.

In other words, lamerists would show-up as our folks' equalvalent during good times, hiding its potential hazardous of venturing onto the wrong path by foul teachings, of which themselves may not know fully.

Nearly all changes, which is a larger set of upgrades, are trade-offs.

When we build muscles, which comes from fat, something is been traded-off.

The trade-offs that go total distance to life's relevency goes un-notified.

While trade-offs that are very much relevent should be taken for examination.

Upgrade from fat to muscle is more so trading malicious organs into strength organs.

All upgrades and downgrades are essentially trade-offs of relevent knowing or irrelevent knowing – irrelevent knowing of original form's function and gives would be suitably named upgrade.

What are Geevoks (an universal term for the term 'humans')? 

Geevoks are a psychic type of creature types.

They think more than necessary while relies none of their feelings.

Geevoks like to capture one state of theirs to be presented in their photos.

Geevoks, unlike nearly all other mammals use solely on memory in which consists mostly of taught stuff, rather than instincts or intuitions.

Many of the geevoks believe that the tigers have lesser brave than they do.

Reality is geevoks being wussies themselves had twisted the definition of a wussy.

A wussy in reality isn't someone weak or showing fragile nature, but someone showing brave nature, at doing nothing but blaming teammates or condemning victims of true opponent.

This cess pit has become infested to the point that: not attacking equals to helping.  This rotten view would be missing or taken down tomorrow if indeed everyone was as genuine as the masses say.

Rotten walkers are nearly every street and park, event and hallway, at.

The better versions of these bipedalors over-credit themselves, swimming in their supremacist fantasy clouds.  They take the result of their food formula as their entirety's.  In other words, an extended amount of credit for who they are today are misplaced from the blessings granted by the formulas they eat, in breakfast, lunch and suppers.  At best there should be 25% contributed from the food formulas they eat, but nope: it's out of the panel column.   

That's how rotten the society (in reality is a hub) has gotten.

There exists little reason to continue admiring Ingolish now.

As historically proven, it is a codex in shamble.

Check out the level of narrow-sight of the prime ministers: speaking in riddles which are too confusing for self to hear let alone notice it's a riddle all together.  Their absence of condemnation of crimes, the neutral tone of theirs been functioning and equalvalent to/as a criminal helper.  They should be told that default play is same as approving and supporting the crimes.

Roothenchild education was poorly made, well in the way that it was by Roothenchild mostly.

We should be fair: part of the credit also goes to the sheeple amass and the assertive rather annoyance, a good word to describe them, staff they hired, or staff their recruiter staff hired.  Since the sheeple amass are aggressive in their exertion of their energy, their force, nevertheless partial credit goes to them for that influence they had exerted.

Any thing made of Roothenchild tends to be poor.  Well, Roothenchilds themselves are poor, so to speak.

The Roothenchild education program wasn't really for learning.  It had began as early as 1880, during the Prusian Wilheim II phase period of history.

Its rock solid goal, the primary objective, was to create a new form of humans, and similar (this word 'similar''s usage meaning other objectives traverse similar around this theme, so to speak, roughly speaking).

All effects, all forces, motions can be violence.

The passive-aggressives are pinnacle symbols of wielders of such.

Their abilities include and are not limited to:
- drain or siphon
- net or grid
- push or nudge
- dis-locate or re-locate
- mis-info, mis-direct
- deny and delay
and more.

A true law would be one that punishes all forms of violence, and not certain sets of abilities out of the grander total set.

Current law is looking at a narrowfield rather of subset of all types of violence.  The-e principle remains true from worlds to worlds: any action can be violence, it's got its violent versions.

A city without temple or a castle isn't a city.  In addition, the city should have an unique re-callable shrine of its own, so to speak.

Those little sheeple weasles are cleverzy: they thinks: if we are falling to a deathtrap, then might as well tag others along into it anyways.

So they proceed, onto naming as many rich and expensive, capable and energetic persons in same identical titles as them.  Taking it to every corner of opportunity they find can be slipped in, shouting it out loud here and there.  

This effectively becomes their secondary besides the societal one if not the first and main career.

The peasantoid sheeplezys also 'invite' the same targets to their vicinity, as close as possible, so as shields, and tagged-along voyagers on the possible sinking shape they may be on.  This doing also hits the invitees if they become chosen targets by anyone: the sheeple knows hiding amongst, having neutral parties within their feet can make hitting them a lot lesser capable (willing), and less easier.

From the above mentioning, we can see how evil they are: hellbent on wrecking loose through slime and passive-aggro strategies, doing smiles and tag games, jamming innocents to be in harms' way, from being closer to their often hated selves – activities and undoings only the soft-bone humanoids at slime level have the capabilities for.

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