

Saturday 14 March 2015

Opinion 60 5

The righteous party doesn't need gossips and faceless conduct, if they are doing this, then they aren't doing this fine.

People, being mammals, espeically with that big head of theirs and short of senses, are impuslve creatures, whom rarily assesses the deals.

They run on urges, rather than rationality.

Their marriage choices are barely perfect, then how could we say when they sign up with the devils, that the deals are done perfectly on their part.

People, being mammals are impuslive creatures, rathan than rational.  It is urge they operate on more so, than decisions and clever assessments.

The certificates handed to them at those school camps enhences their inherited self-appraisalment.

Hiding behind names, logos and company slogans is their way.  It is of not our way.
Using anonymous entries, covered corridors and syllabal combinatorials is their way.
Telling story at the afternoon timing, sedated in-between commercials in 3rd person phrases gives them the edge.

I have told my people at numerous times, that decorating self to a beauty while spending 2 hours on attracting mates ish wasting time.

If an investment of 3 pessos is made on a project, we want to see an 80 bismark of yield result.

Today's SAT test tests on a few strange things, include and are not limited to:
- the willingness/capacity to falsefy at level 2 (level 1 being directly falsify, level 2 being falsify while declaring a ban on falsehood)
- mimikery/pesudo intellectualship
- similar to above entries, slimeyness, spinelessness
- level of dorkism
- skill level of murky water disciplinaries

The end result of every function tells right.

We see at the output end, the candidate these 'tests' produces: the beautiful ones, modest ones, humble ones, noble ones are simply not there.

This test is a test not just on false intelligence, but mostly of a test on anti-social criminalities.

These criminals had taken over the control panel of this 'test'.  Considerable amount of their effort had been spent on creating this boogeyman called "the marauders", so to hide themselves better. So they think they could that is.

Their remaining argument leaves an empty concruency in logic: 'the top achievers of these tests must be smarter for they had scored higher, sometimes considerablely higher' has been falsified: a test on criminality would repeatedly yield the same result as that test.  Similar to the proverb: 'a murky fish swims well in swampy water', Mr.Mayor. We hope it was clear to you.

Mhat's the definition of 'dishonesty', let's concise this.

Dishonesty means being unfocused on the task: it is appearing better the main as oppose to getting the task completed and done well the central priority.

An dishonest candidate would be taking appearing working or appearing capable as the task it is doing.  This happens often without the candidate self realizing.

Follow what your heart says, breathe under the sky.

Not because it will be a perfect decision, but because it definately will be perfecter than with the brain!

Proverb:  practice, practice, practice your fundamentals.  Cover thy 0's.  Strengthen thy bases.

Overlapping signals happen in radio transmission, in technologies.

It happens in creatures as well.

Similarly to technologies, they don't run two things at once, on the same compartment.  At same time, different regions of the processor are devoted to different gatherers (input value givers).

Humanoids, being large brained creatures could see great improvements on their proficiency by attuning properly which input values to which.  This topic is deep, the ones who feel little resonance with it and not tidal may require an literal large chunk version to understand, which we won't look forward to, as something tied with instrinsic notions of the universe, we seek to unword it.

The great improvements would vary from drastic to ultra to mega drastic.  There'll be fundamental shifts in the hominids, resulting in almost a transformation into a whole new creature, so to speaking.

Deal or no deal, with the devils, is contacting with its branches or lords.

They be showing an offer with the weaknesses hidden, and every advantage shown.

They had also reached a fairly max level (max maturity) of their disciplinaries: the commission is their opened, also under their direct operations.

Through demand and not command, this organization had arised to second to none in gold, except: the sheeple amass.

Deals such as a distant location mining job with hazardous health danger, a primal example of their doongs, would have all its weaknesses hidden, while the giant 70K income pay year written in high font.  That's a relative un-advanced trick of theirs.  Meanwhile, stories tell us many of brilliant folks nevertheless fell for their tricks, but then we refute: were those all that that brilliant.  Additionally, most difficulty in countering their spells really revolve from this central core: they don't wanna continue on their life, the roothenchild agents and staff member are here to risk it all, they are here being undeathly hollows.

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