

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Opinion 70 6

At a war situation 
like this, taking
shower is wasting

What are they laughing about?
What is there to be laughing about?

These goofs are not men.

For at a time when the nation is
hit by multiplitude of corruption
laughing is their priority?

Wonderfully as wheel of celestial
reveals: these were scoudels, outsiders
whom had infiltrated and been living in
years inside the borders as regular

Their wonderfully strong numbers
naturally generate the effect
of additional camouflaging.

Nonetheless, a careful count
of the specimen in the dish reveal
the intriguing answers.

Peasant thinkers sink low, instead of rising high or tide.

Peasants speak bland words, form dry (none) insights.

Poetry pertains them, clouds foreins them, mists sundos them.

Distant to knowledge they are, which is none of its interest.

Hiding behind books and clothing, to savage worship of 'survival', a concept' they beligne.

Real purpose of their learning is alcohol and material-driven stimulations, those drugs.

They hold identicality to the alcoholics on the streets, in general, aren't they.

Sometimes their own forgetfulness of who they really are casts as a defence shield in fighting their real purpose: ain't no dizzing mosquito hardest at telling its destination.

The roothenchild's attempt at capitalism was
wrongful since its very beginning, the creation period.

The system had gotten severely intolerable now, by recent decades.

The goy'ems, nothing is more infectious than they are.

Things, ways to write, to draw, every activity would be righter if they spoke at and pushed for none.

- the Virminian English (aka American English) is a language developed over the centuries under the Roothenchild dictatorship's rule (they go far more than dictatorship alone would describe fittingly)
- many of the words dissapated in style from original version down to language of an abiding follow-zhiyou (meaning only) follower
- pronounciations faded into, became analytical only, the announcement vibe faded, while the talk-talk-talk part enlarged
- vigilance were lost, and a knave version of the 'same guy' came in the door
- instead of a helmet, it was a doormat, and a lady's hat
- words like ability, and interest are spoken with 0 qi, little vapor, forming the imagery built by sound of an forever dependent thinker
- visitors, be mindful, these knaves got some brass attitude in them, not so nice as any textbook would say aren't they

All things are related, so are especially today's problems.

The monogamy has contribution to the dysfunction of other sectors.

While the academia corruption take part in enhencing economic disasters, and vice versa.

Today's economy is in a well mis-shape form.  Addition patches so far has only sticked on more patches.  The patient returns the day with same symptom, sometimes additional ones.

We cannot fix the middle class (college) and non-college salaries unless several fundamentals of flaws are fixed (or better be scrapped).

Appliance makers selling at extraordinary cheap price, than at where we think they should be, has escalated the college jobs cash fountain.  Suppose these manufacturers had it jacked to prices catching up with college jobs, then not only would there be less person dependent on these institutions, but more so greater economic balance would be achieved.  Right now the mode is a dege one, where idler through college tends to gain more dollar points than any bright and proper fellow haven't gone through the behavior-and-ideaological surgery process.  And this, is due to the appliance, clothing, designer products, electronic, software, office supplies (such as printer) makers' doing.

Perhaps they lack the business world instincts, thus hasn't followed the fundamental rule of: a bad deal is worse than a no deal.  If they were gonna undercut, consider not even selling.

Important to indicate: this is a complex matter, many thoughts were in mind, which may be hard to scry.

Vigilance is the key, and answer to many Orcs and Elves.

Goblins giving problem at the stormkeep bay? No problem, call up General Lordshire.

Strategic loss and micro gain is the doing of roothenchilds hiding themselves from the public eye.  Long time non-troduction would result in alienation upon initial sight at later times.

The more instinctial persons (tend to be better looking, feature makes sense) amongst their ranks already doing the good way, sometimes, out of self-immediate feeling, the desire, thoughts-unpanned reflectoa-from-within style.

A nation, society, space without presence of fathers mean nothing of greatness, and everything of lame-ness (therefrom vile-ness and lamerism).

The terrain matters.

An aryan prefers greenfield, he is honest.

A disgenuine likes market stalls.

Different terrain produces different cultures.

Swamp habors murky fish.  Coral reefs keeps sunfish and the alike.

Intricate thinking, yields the answer.

By the selfish-ling's view of selves, these peasantoids arrive to the belief that the rich honorable humans must be super rich and living well, since the only time themselves would be this giving to random strangers is when themselves have abundant riches, in every category.

Combined with their lack of time spent on evaluating surroundings nor ever tracking others, the recipe for false intrepretation becomes ready.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -

Roothenchild hands some modern day spears & swords to couple thousand peasants per city/district, and calls it law.  And are ok with it.

There is this massive visible ocean of grey near their skytowers, but apparantly they find that ok everytime looking out the window.

Roothenchild falsely evaluates things: they marked/assigned the difficulty of work by the feeling they would obtain.  Though if they had evaluated from the 'workers' and different kinds of sheeple zerg's perspective, they'd see it's rather comforting, if not royal-class heaven, for who, they, are.

Truly, some humanoids aren't like the Roothenchild nor our guys: they are of the follower, chicken, abandon-high-platform-ability specialists.  Following and blindly so if not, is their specializaiton.

Fromthere we see that these turds favors if not actually enjoys the being-told model.

Their life and bodily rhythms (though not much of a life in many's opinions) are well-adjusted and perfectly-atunned for that 'life' model.  Their brain will rarily double-check the authenthic of the facts unless it triggers their immediate pain system.  Now since young they grew up with many of 'our guys', through nudging at them, they had obtained many other knowledge, therefrom what they should be doing extracted also, blending this fact altogether from watchful eyes and keen observers.

Checking the lessons being taught or the model of the framework of the structure is our deeds.  Those lamerists seek none of it.  It is lamerism, a relative word by the way, 'life' (living; survival) they seek to.  Our guys and Roothenchilds go for the higher plane, another relative word, on the other hand; meanwhile; comparatively.

  They should see that there are two types, large genres, of humanoids in general.

  Our guys is not the lamerist, and lamerists are not our guys.

  Those sheeples seek immediate pleasure.  It had been law doing good job reminding them not to.  Them without this external force of control would result in something different.  Now, themselves may even know not this.

  What do I care about governments, history, society or all that stuff for?  I just gotta take care of my 'survival' -- are signature behaviors and typical mindest of those ignoramous-optimizer livers (the sheeples).  And that's a better version of them.  The least perhaps are the ones who live solo and seek no (not) joyous nor healthy life, whom speak in no tongue nor in energy, but idles their life away, fussing a few things they can, if means law won't catch them.

  Other equalvalent phrases in more regular tones of the sheeples are: what can knowing history of this country do for me, I am trying to getby, that's all I need, to worship my goal of living; will learning music help with my life, and such.  Note though it's in glamerish and mispronounciation hiccup tone they speak this in, as oppose to the sort've signify by the font: crisp and louder.

  It is harder for sheeples to question than to ignore.
  It is as difficult for authentic humans to never question.

  Though both sides share the usage of the word living, and may infact have interactions based on the same word, though rare, it is actually two different words that share the same syllabal combination.

  Their living is more so attaching onto a structure, a sugar daddy if we may.  And be ignoring all the facts they should care about, so to optimize their sugar-daddying smooching.  Those subjects of higher planes are beyond their reach completely anyways, adding to the reasons basket for being lame, and staying lame.

Let none of their acting and advantage-taking of this scripture get to thou, roothenchild, though. These aren't the nice gentle bunny who is clueless about upper echilon of politics and kingdoms they make it out to be.  There is tremendous talent of vilelism activities and small-man behaviors within them.

Like every follower, their behaviors and patterns may highly resemble a smoocher, vice versa.  Unlike followers, the smoocher holds aggression and are hostile towards the sugardaddy they settled onto.  A hitch-hiker, stands in-between the two, doesn't attack the host and doesn't disrespect as much as the smoochers do.  One thing in common amongst these hitch-hike types is that they want to obtain all the benefits, be ignoramous to the nation's affrairs (though just a copy of it for smooch, which much differs from version of the normal folks), to the politics, and contribute nothing.

With a Roothenchild statewide-netta system of no question the authority may result in the absolute rise of the hitch-hiker gangs (and factions).  While any punishments to those who do rebel would be advancedly used by the those vicious softie-aggressors as further proof of how 'great' of citizens they are, and how those discontent individuals foul, rebellious, ever-angry they are.

  Compared to normal human beings, one live, the other doesn't live.  But are passing day to day.

  One is truly living, while those lamerists may be worshipping, grasping onto their last straw, so they think exists, onto their concept of 'survival'.

The humanoids are perhaps the worst of the worst,  for this above surface world.

They simply do not want to live, holds anti-life attitudes, and are of undead beings.

Their psychoatric twisted overmindfulness forms an blend of butter, decay, and anti-life fuss with the other ingredients which includes birth defect deficiency of theirs.  It was never meant for them to breathe another oxygen.  It is of divine right (a subject needless to mention) to systematically erase them.

They hate themselves, hate this world, hate everybody.  Long time ago they had given up working on improving self's facial features, yet what makes them wanna stay: struggle, this empty struggle to their concept of 'survival'.  Someone teach them, ought to, the roads to greater heavenly life.

The disencourgement they sent, and little chipping ever-so-innocent 'just words' are nothing but passive-aggression, and pure hate: 8 units of against in a day, 1 unit of support or cheer (actually 0).  It makes folks wander what are they really up for? What is that about, and what is it they are against?  They are not against the subjects they disagreed to, sent disencourgement to, they are simply against us.  They are against us, they are against happiness, they are against this reality which they don't deserve.

We'll meet their prolonged years of y'earning request, and send their existence to the heavens.

Natural weakness (at most times) cover up the aggressive-ness of the viles.

An ugly face is another word for vilelism, a vilelism specialist type of humanoids.

Only beautiful and decent-looking enough humans are our guys, with the rare exception of birth defect and symptoms included.

Darwin did not mention this key: the aggression of all life forms are the same.  Cuteness (niceness) and weakness, plus reputation (relation with others; faction relations) attune this same underlying orb, to different magntidues.

Many passive-aggressives exist, and they are on the way, to cause trouble, to wreck, not to remind, or to notify, but to spread their hate, to harm, to passive-violence.  It's their intention behind their acts.  This has become a primal life activity and goal of theirs.  

Standing in ways, in public places, blocking others, acting innocently, they dare - another passive-aggressive act.  Though despite their apparant and suggestive facial expression and bodily gesture, the law hasn't arrived to bash them away, yet, which in itself provides us a galildoscope peak in seeing the extend of their true power, which in turn generates us the picture of an utter insane, mental, psychopathic, and insantiable bunch of biological filths.  Not surprisingly, in medical terms they are called birth defect vilelism cerebral humanoids.

If were to set out a question asking
who wants to be dictator the most right now,
most would be saying it's the presidents,
or Saddam, or the smart guy over there.

This answer would come arrival from
scholars, intellectuals, businessmen,
tattoo-ed guys, motocycle party leader,
beer tenders, health care administrator
and more.

Though the real answer is it's the
most ugly and vile humans that want
to be dictator the most.

And it's exact this insane desire that
prevent them from getting it.

The more one 'tries to reach' for that
position, the more his body produces
chemicals which inhibits his strength
henceward health, if not inflicts problems

Any person next to the current dictator
wants the dictatorship seat greater than
the ones who have achieved, or about to 

It is child-like thinking behavior to
regard the current location having
any correlation or representational
meaning with the underlying force:
similarly, a velocity does not indicate
its positioning of a star or sattelite,
nor does the positioning of a star
or person indicates its velocity, normal
situation speaking.

One cannot tell a stranger or whatever
he is's aggression by where he is located
at the society's hierarchy.  Whether he
be a lawn maker, a business dealer,
or some office clerk whom hides
behind sunshine all day, the aggression
is there, but the means to express
that aggression are none.

We can project from this: the moment
a mean does come, their aggression
would be greater velocity than any
previous earned-their-way dictators.

One last note: a subject in still does
may not be free of forces acting upon it.
A braked car and a parked car may both
have velocity of 0 meter per second.
However the braked car is receiving
both a yearning force to move, and an
equal or greater force to resist from moving:
friction.  We can apply this to the analogy 
provided above: the aggression of
the seemingly 'ordinarly people'.
Some of them may appear inert,
and unwanting of becoming a dictator
like the hostess at bunny cafe, but the moment
their frictional forces diminishes,
they would be the fastest car in the
derby, or in this scenario, the most
tyranically dictator there has ever been
(we evaded the use of word big, as big
signifies honorable, and extremist
aggressors rarily hold traces of honor

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