

Sunday 22 March 2015

Opinion 75

The goyims are made of wood, possess
tiny instincts, while have near-zero mythical levels.

They aren't mythical creatures.

A self-exclusion bodily motion 
& expression suppressive
ego maniaco obsessive itchy
mega monkey is perhaps what
they are, their true form.

The goyims have the wood brain.

They disrupt their thinking, with their motions.

They do many things at once, without proper pacing.

They do things 'fast', preventing their mind, from catching up.

Big fishes have moderate mythical levels, while the goyims: perhaps low or none.

Aye, truly is the blind is do not even check.

If goyims were to wait an extra few seconds, which ich le little cost compared to a day's time there is available, then they would've became far wiser.

Underlying principles of events and actions they see none of io.  Visits are skipped over in a rabid race of monkey frenzy - notes are not jogged down completely, but disrupted at constant - before the rest of the mind catched up, a new action they already onway.

Simply, their rabid frenziness leave zero room for wise thoughts to occur.  Like any blind creature, they would continue on its path, for a very long time, by itself.

Every memory requires 2-3 seconds to fully seep in, before 0.3 second has passey, the next set of cargo of info are pushed in by them.  Twist and turning, twist and turning, leaves their own ruin in the end, to a wiser specie, in general, so to speak.

Goyims would no longer be goyims if they
combined their numeral tasks to a singular.
The way they do things scatter the mind
to several attention modules, with non
inter-relations, ok nevermind, they are
hopeless to return, so to speak, that's
it for now.

— goyims know zero admiration for other creature types
— they take their shopping mall toys as indicator of their strength
— these should be hanged across every power line
— thinks exclusively in own perspective, rarily evaluates others' circumstance and perspective, yet marks self as smartest simply because of their luck (and the subsequent associated privileges)
— despite the knowledge of sun and moon, the stars and elements of periodic table, they still remain an ever agitated bigot whose only goal is to attack others.  Their stubburn supremacist world view is a food indicator of this: being the only ones running superior-inferior conversations yet continues operating
— goyims are technically non-thinkers, but are violent passive-aggressive-based lamerist imposters
— acting plus copying is their proficiency, using their superior numbers, done in, as well, as oppose to true form of greatness: mythical, legendary quality
— while in category of smart, their score registers a below-fish
— other features of them include: being a well-behaved (self-suppressional; unloose) monkey, and a slight birth defect, like all birth defects, hold internal double-personality conflictions

— our researches can verify all of the above through simple tests, of their identity worthy skill assets, run from room to panel, upstairs and downstairs, monday to friday, 3 for five a.m.

Big Fish
Intelligence: bronze league
Mythical Level: moderate

Intelligence: wood league
Mythical Level: low

The goyims are perhaps the least mythical of all creatures.
Their brain is of wood, so is their thinking pattern.
They are fairly dependable in the other species: humans, k9s and cats.
The word 'fairly' therein above was used due to their mind control and soft-hijacker abilities.
These are mediocres, mimiker, and professional lamer-ist.
The more lame they go, the more they desperately rely on swindling and swooching.

And the more their types to egotistic and delusional: any smart and high preceptive of those types immediately seek self-termination, which effectively leaves the most resilient and retarded-in-some-ways candidate alive and remaining.

A memory-based ego cerebral maniac who runs supremacist view on all others including their adjacent identicals with a insanitable apetite to consume all.  They take goods from the shopping mall to bash it at someone else, being the only one doing it yet justifying using a set of gibberish paste that only itself could manage to produce, and dare to.  Their blindness of many areas and the insensitivity to the language of body motion make them a hazardous fiend.  It is a brain hijacked walking corpse they are than a living creature.  Nothing lacks common sense as much as these falsely categorized century generation old birth defect hominids.  Their resemblence to humans in form and sound has served an effective deterrence, and a great defence mechanism in their time span.  Being born next to the authentic humans were their advantage.  Through their superior numbers, and sheer risk taking and such, they had managed to eventually obtain today's position.  It was copying seed-tossing and buying dukes and kings' favors their first jobs, now it's became enhencing their positions and finding ways using their vile sacks to trick the throne and governments even further.  It is an engulfing monolithic world domination plan run in conspiracy manner they committing.  Beware of their numbers, and double-check for goyim mimikers.

The solution to this is easy, however cannot be done at will yet due to current systematic statuses, which we may mention closely, at afterward (written below) chapters.

Something has been done right in the last 150 years by the Roothenchilds.

Every policy and new law so far has benefited the goyim masses, while little to none or perhaps to sub-level, for the true humans.

Is there a goal behind this, if so, then what could it be exactly.

The goyim masses now are effectively sitting on favorable policies and state-sponsored freebie programs, than any jobs.

To make things more favorable to goyim masses, the freebie programs take on the legalifisation name of 'welfare' and the likes of such.

Perhaps the Roothenchild are some type of goyims themselves, but with exceptional levels of self-inflated views, suprematism, and egos.

Their doings are messy, incoherent, far below the performance of who they portral themselves as or who they tryingna be.  At a tolerant deviation of luck and variety other factors, their score remains registering a below on-par, of 3rd degree deviation line.

Upon a mistake, they hide it, if un-hidable, sometimes they pretend it was intentional.  With that much of a self-doubting and bitter-struggle attitude, it's best for all if they give up.

True Roothenchild mind power is perhaps the authors of this scripture, than these repetitive, persistent failures.

Plans that worked, they enlarge. Success they never done, take credit for.  Disasters they made, say wanted to it.  Roothenchilds beginning to sound more like those goyims, than any mind master life forms, being displaying this level of similarity to that signature behavior pattern of the insolent ratta-tack goyims.

Perhaps the Roothenchilds should understand
whenever their policies are made: the same
treatment never equates to equal treatment.

One person would like apple, the other: pears.

The goyims' liked policy and treatment or conditions
likely would be disliked by the true humans.

Ultimate equality, there is none, other than
the very original that nature has left us:
the game of life.  It cannot be artificially made.

So whenever an attempt at creating equality
or artificial version of fair game occures, an
inequality effectively goes under way.

To balance inequality, adding more inequality
surely would be no solution.  Like baking
a pizza, if there is imbalance of ingredients
which to create untasty level, then cancel
out to be the fundamental action.  Add, add
add, what more is there to add, the pizza will
turn into gizza, or burrito sauce.

Roothenchilds' this type of doing combined
with a few others had effectively bred a
collosal force of zerg amass.  We aren't sure
where exactly are they going with this. Or was
it a purposed plan or a giant mistake?  It is
possible this all was a giant clue-short driven mistake
as by the records, they don't seem to be
creatures abundant in common sense, nor
EQ on-par, with the average.

A blind doesn't know it's blind.  Hopefully
now though with many events unfolded via
passing of timeflow, they realize this missing
module of theirs.

The danger of the zerg amass doesn't take
a wise man to know.  Whoever has been to
the pyramid top andor many dimensions of
experiences of today's life would hold that suspicion.

It is in fact due to the media and hiranking officials'
total lack of acknowledgements (plus there were supportive
acknowledgements; if not the opposite) that many 
vigilants believe more toward the otherwise 
spectrum polar cap.

Every same stuff given, has served zero equality,
as the principle states this doing never would.

Interesting enough, and miraculously, every
single Roothenchild's 'equality' (or under
its name) doing has resulted in the vast
gains of the sheeple amass.  

They ought to understand their true form,
and the impending danger.  Perhaps it 
really was their lack of knowing of this, at
vivid enough levels held in their conviction
module that all that had taken place, and
still seems ongoing.

The same favorite food for chicken
cannot be given to the phoenix.

What's zerg's most liked, 10 out
of 10 will not suit the regular humans.

To cater to the zergs, and holding
up universal same-thing, forms
a direct contridiction to the underlying
forces of reality: the regular humans
will be fed with rots.

On going treatment for past 150 years
in Roothenchild controlled territories had 
been strictly upward force on the goyim
masses, while downward force on the
authentic humans.

Goyim masses' benefits and support
came right at the expense and missing
profits of the authentic humans.  We
lay here this tomb in memoration of
those losses.       _[|||]_

On Octapus's first sighting of a boat,
he was fascinated by.  

Upon the sight of a diver, he was intrigued.

He realized that there was much of a big
world right adjacent to ours.

By the sight of boat, and all the equipments
in the diver's body, using its wisdom and mythical
power, he immediately realized the size of
the kingdoms that must be there.  He cannot
wait to visit, and discover more of.

He knew, on spot of a boat, there is the existence of
- a tools maker
- tools
- manufacturee
- workers
- designers
- many persons
- technology
- books and guides
- a whole society, at minimum of one.

For the true humans, the sighting
of a giant kraken would yield something
similar, immediately in sight, in their sub
concious component as well (as oppose
onto the mouth (word-lingua) literal side):
that there might as well be also existence
of enough food supply, which meant
the existence of a whole underwater ecosystem,
where planktons exist, bacterias are there,
graveyard sea bed of dead fish corpses, small
fish, medium fish, much bigger fish and so on,
and ultimately the lord squid kraken.


2  X  3  +  2  X  3  = 12
2^1 X 3^2 + 2^3 X 3^4 = 666

1 2 3 4   5 6 7 8 9

• dimensions stop at 3D because (there are many ways to express this, surely) the perpendicular of a surface, which is a 2D plane, is 3D
• edit: added: by time of things falling down to 2D, the intricate phenomenom takes place: things x-ray out, to an angle containing perpendicular axle to the 2D plane.  When millions upon gazillion of processes happen constantly, a 3D system is formed, and an universe is born
• infinity is the universe
• the number of life the game is 666
• this number has many names, indeed, it could and should have many alternations
• everthing is related, at certain distances, and none aren't
• infinity self-defines, wraps itself infinite numbers
• infinity has infinite copies of itself within the infinite-self
• life goes much more complex than the fundamental principles of every matter and energy
• best way to understanding life forms is to think in abstract format, which is, mythology, a fair closest, if not the representative of
• while best way to tell self is smartest, thus ego-feeds the deprivation, perhaps may be to say there is DNA and so and so 'just does this'
• language isn't a language: it isn't what it is made out to be, by the (its) sales persons (people): true language happens underneath the literal fashion of words
• to go descriptive, literal sense with universal abstract ideas intrude the forbidden code of civil conduct, the forces of nature won't allow it, without punishments
• explaining how DNA unfolds itself and such, in literal style of speech, may be intrusive in morals.  Let the convey of celestial star light, be transcribed in celestial ceremonies, than the much less granderious: the talk-show market-stall blanderous
• everything, is of time being, make it happen, and let it go, simutaneously, at once

• fundamental forces of the universe may be more distant to life than rules of the game in this geozone, or terrain

Sheeple amass are a capable bunch, be aware-ra.

Being vile creature types, hominids specifically, the vile glands provide them a set of basic knowledges.  It happens at the unspoken side of the world: the sub-concious mind.

These goyim-nas know well, that the world is more so a child-play, than any logical debate based on sound or louder perhaps arguments, or evidence providence.

Sheeple managed to obtain control of businesses, persons, of all types and genres, rankings and levels, in part or whole, of governments, organizations, minds, intangible merits like joy levels, activism, enthusy and more.

Their brainwash begin as early as 800 A.D. the period when crop-tossing was abundant, the time where they had obtained their first stronghold level, of footing.  All they had to do to obtain their survival goals was gossip, defence mechanism, well-timed soft-attacks, or general assaultas, soothing around, playing on fantasic wiseman's arroganto view, and more.  Food was quite cheap, the trick was to make the food producers allow them settlement, and preceive them as an ally force.  Now, year 1000+1000+15 A.D. the brainwash began as soon as kindergarden begins, where the regular authentic humans are caught in their amassy numbers of sheeple members which are of humerical numerical tumerical (or in other order).

Their settlements is strong, their goal has changed, their objectives shifted: they are craving total control.  This means, as evidence can gather, the strikes turn into aggression, from-ed the smooching.

Their effects, the doings had caused many things and can be categorized in this two sets:
   The first set:  having brainwashed anyone they contact with and can find (its index are gathered via television watching) to their zerg constructs. Because their brainwash strike when people have guard down and totally (partially the credit goes to roothenchild, for bringing) asleep, and to the childish side of the people.  No matter the later logical re-confirmation, unless completed in a ritual ceremony manner, the remembered brainwash will remain.  This generates tremendous difficulty for us as in general in mosta cases, every candidate will think they got it, but will act the same, amplifying the 'trap' (or shackle laid on them, so to speak), in addition alwhile rarily notice
   The second set:  general pressure and intimidation, push and hold, push & hold in every gates and corridor.  This will naturally cause pleasement, submission, follow.  After graduation, some of the authentic people enter the work eventually, they open businesses, and watch, the price they sell, and basically the general attitude and external vibe towards, the external attitude and vibe towards the sheeples whom will now enter their character as regular harmless ordinary all-good angelic customers will be an "allow you" one.  The result from there in economic balance can be well imagined.

Brainwash and pressure are the sheeplelings' main abilities.

The above description of that process in detail may arise amazement.  Well, aye, indeed if things were simple, then the sheeples wouldn't be here having 97% of laptop's ownership.  And needless to mention: yet (while) few persons know this, as (in the) a fact format.

Mind: also, an additional point herein: the sheeples are not limited to the roles of students.  They can very well be (equal chance of being) teachers, producing another set of zerg-intimidated young authentic humans alwhile conveniently using roothenchild state given heavenly opportunity.

    Sheeples wage passive-aggro war vs the businesses.

    Due to their sheer enormous size, no arrest can be made.  And best not to, so as to prevent alarm.

    While the CNM and such newscast having denounced nothing of this, not in once, in direct portral or hidden hints, nor subtle signify or indirect ackowledgements had gaven this powerful global elite force, the zergs, tremendous boost.

    One landlord, though compared to the sheeple zergs, is not much of one, used to say after 1 year of operating a successfully run convenient store: the customers (what he meant was really sheeples) are gods.  And indeed they are: governors are the jacks, CEOs are the queens, investors are the kings, internationalists are the aces, and the sheeple masses are the deities (gods) of this land.

Can we be using the word humble in describing the sheeple restless amass?

Is it possible to say that they ate an unfortunate victim whom went through tragedy of war, disease, poverty and femine, and due to their independent, solely their own merit, had grew to this adhering-to-nature healthy and prosper number, which is 6 billion.

It appears that no one has opinion of their own desires, inner most desires, nowadays.  Everyone is speaking what their classmates, what their 'friends', what their colleagues want them to say.  It seems as though we had been completely engulfed therefrom came under control of an elite group of secret agents or some sort.  Or could it be a well-numbered vile-specialist humanoid passive-aggro army (gang) whom island hopped from one roothenchild policies to the next, each of which were 'pro-equality' and sheeple-favoring (mainly thanks to their assistance), eventually to this day?  Either way, we got enemies here for sure on this place called earth, and the sheeple army owe the roothenchild intelligent goofs for their support.

To emphasize a point of earlier: same stuff given rarily results in same treatment.  The pear-lovers won't be pleased, while the apple fans may be rejoiced.  Some will be mistreated, while some other may be undertreated.

Dear Patrick Star, your
seeking comfort, is
as much of a strategic
toss as surrendering to
the enemy.

Seek challenge, would be than way (than seeking comfort).

Sheeple cancer's success specifically counted
on the seeking of comfort by the kings and dukes,
in past dime rights, lime lights.

The cancer pressure is here, eludes to here-in.

Their infectious is potent, aye, Patrick.

Though should be accepted, so toa speak.

While the writing, announcement of that is right
to be here as well.  This is part of that process:
recognition, and sorting out-a.

Like dealing with mosquitos first amongst a group
of tribesmen, could constant irratation be of right
despite the the circumstance set in stone changed
now? Could negligence of wording this for archival
purposes for once at least be right either?

Anywho, see ya later, senator Spongio Von Bobiosa.

Happiness is a tricky answer, a fancy goblet
sitting in wait, that positions itself near
sidewalk of voyager's travel, or travellers' voyage.

Seeking of comfort is not an optimum stragegy,
though not a wrong one.

Pleasure is a toxin, introduced by the witches
to the men.  First drug wasn't cocaine, but
pleasure.  Success often scales little with
pleasure, but everything to do with work.

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