

Saturday 16 August 2014


• ugly men are absolutely not our partners (cooperatives) either, for these guys ain't just don't love women, they also dislike being next to them as a regular friend!
• the sheeples sure seem great at hating,  to a person of lack of top tier performance they inform to in utter mimckery of their "total inadequacy", and when it'd case of a top tier performaner actually, now they accuse it of anti-social behavior and such - the sheer nerve of sheeples!  their existence is criminal, the sheeples are primal evil!
• aren't they great at flipping scripts, which our guys could never measure up to in that foul field.  upon seeing a person of male they wish to attack, they call him based on seemingly ground of being another male, but then once it's a girl they attacking, the reasoning somehow still stands - now they calling her names reserved for females.  funny how this sheer act of disgrace isn't yelled at enough goes to show how many sheeples there are around us.  about every famous person we run into share the same thoughts as this.  we also could almost never find someone in-between on this, it's either full throttle agreement or strong-willed disagreement, due to good and attention-worthy reasons, right
• another group best for us to do away with are the nerdy males.  most nerdy males are simply abstinent males, these two terms are swappable in any usage.  due to the shuffling present in society, most if not nearly all of our guys end up getting moved around by the surrounding mass nerdies to places otherwise would not be at by their sole decisions.  those nerdies drown us with their ill-decisions out of their stupidity and dorkiness, they also infect us through being in their principle-soft ways, their actions are poor references, and honestly they lack honesty too - as why haven't they told us that they are nothing close to a regular man, the truth
• we are firmly believers in proper health, development and progress for each individual as well as the nation as a whole.  to achieve that desire, we show zero compassion to those deemed vile, unecessary, poisonous to the environment.  humans that are physically weak are not tolerable in our books.  Our stance towards these unfit is a hostile one - we plan to end all of these b!tches.  hear not the enemies' opinions about the enemies.  God's gospel is our solid reference - let's end this embrassment of humanoid forms -- compared to any other creature we've truly got ourselves a heck tonne of softies and physically near-disability ones if not already are in that category

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