

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Discovery, Delighted, Established ||| Connections, Dragon, Presidential

     All other things aside, firstly I have came into concious-knowing that my previous 'anger' throughout my life years had been precisely this source, this single source: my large dragon brain cannot stand lowered oxygen rate.  Pain strikes, so does utter discomfort if the oxygen level in that region takes a even a tad bit then I would not be able to feel normal.  I have become certain, (came to be slowly fading in so to speaks during that 15 minutes of thinking to nearing the completion) that the dragon-brain component oxygen decline thing is the sole source, and definately sure so.  
       I had also came up with several "principles" which I shall be following heavily from now on, they are: 
  - continuous breathing, absolute none breakage of breath, the oxygen should be continuous and cannot reach below "optimal" level
  - no rapid breathing out force from pronounciation, speaking, answering someone's call or anything of that type
  - high oxygen in-tale tactical breathing motions.  This cannot be done in very noisy environments, including those with loud speakers, and abruptive shaky sounds, therefore a heavy avoidance (of such places) would be needed everytime and then.
         The story behind this realization is quite interesting: after viewing Kissinger's way of speech, combining with that of Peres, I had realized it all.  They too share this large dragin brain anatomy feature.  Though we (the 3 of us) have some other "cultural" and "ethnic origin" differences, this commonality plays no emergent effected-by-others-ness.  I hold much sure-ry that very few people have this reptilian (lizard) brain component.  Whether mine is more advanced or equal to theirs or theirs are is another topic, and an very intruiging (worthy-inquiry) topic on its own.  This dragon brain component I have firmly came to know that 1. it requires high oxygen input, depletion by 5% even can serious hinder its functions, causing stop in thinking, some discomfort.  2.  unlike other people's way of talking, they can go through oxygen dip, the oxygen short second shortening period, the dragon brain suffers greatly from it. Though are never permanent scarring, who likes their brains frozen, right, so to speak.  3. the dragon brain is masteredly powerful, incrediblely accurate in memory, saves files a different way, gathers info a different way, and hold tremendous power in figuring out others' psychologies, intents, morals and such.  Its memory saving speed takes 4-5 second to sip in as I had always noticed and recently came to especially affirmation after reviewing.  Its gift of "stalking" and "forgery" ability is unparallel to that of mammals.  No wonder Kissinger and I could both write long pages of phony tricks with simple ease, and absolute smooth 0 discomfort with.  I myself could, as I can "feels" it, also write long pages of phony historical accounts without slight discomfort, unlike all other mammal brainers, but since other areas lay my specialty focus for, thus I have not began or chosen this as my road, and/or hold proficient as much as they do over it.  

      The highly developed lizard brain component generate distinct differences in IQ between ones who have and ones who don't - those mammal thinkers.  Its subtle-ness help slipping through detection.  One with such incredible power could go decades of not centuries undetected by the rest.   Since young child, I had found everyone to be rather dissapointing and odd around me, turns out it ain't just due to my lack of a proper pair of parents, but this fact which I recently came to assured-ly known!  After videos of Alfred Henry Kissinger, I have found my fellow others.  Certainly a life-changing intensed and excited moment it was.  I was dazzlingly excited, in short of words here.  After first spotting the possibility, I proceeded to find more with that as the revolving center objective, and the more videos sighted, the more this hypothesis became speculation then grew into a mighty affirmation - exactly like my stages of maturity into an elder dragon.
      One day, the mighty reptilien power will be unleashed, by then, its might will enter the "opening light" as oppose behind walls and hiding in shadows.

All this reptillien class of brain (lingua rhetoric) makes me to mention about: would I ever become the Pope, appearing on TV, or like the current Russian Tsar Putin?  I did think about this, my answer yielded was: very likely not.  As:
1. for one, my ultimate true intent conflicts with the wishes of 85%+ of any country's population, which includes some of the best countries out there, such as Russia, which is filled with great people and overall bright and skilled man and woman.
2. secondly, how many true leader get to say what they want?  Once a man enters the throne, he becomes a puppet, in a way, by the public, constantly swayed by the "public force", left with little room for anything really.  It's not free, but is often preceived so, and ah ha, that's the catch
3. I think overall-ly judging by technology, society, way things work, everything, and with a lot of things considered: it's best option for me to stay as a leader at the background.  I will holla at Putin and his team what to do and etc, give valuable suggestions, while it's Putin act as the "head of state", which right now is Russia, and may soon become Europa Empire.
4. a minor reason for dodging presidential seat: someone as prominent in looks as me would surely arous public "excite" and "interest" for even 1 second of me shown on TV, or newspaper, oh wait newspaper is then never 1 second, though of course-lio in future newspaper might be
5. another minor and side-ish reason for dodging Putin's seat and positions similar: I don't intent to set myself to be a president, I plan to be a dictator.  And being seen and doing all those president "chores" conflict with being one (a dictator).  There would be difficulties extracting people's money and pillaging the place besides beating them down spiritually holding reptile order and belief system over them.
6. another minor reason: how about we let Putin and guys like him be the show-man, the spokesperson, the one always shown in light, and persons like me which are good at these analysis and national directions, planning, strategy formulation and such work in places we most suit, ain't that be a great idea, a better one.  Governments involving folks like me don't have to tell the people all our stuff, neither do the people need to know, I hold string adhered believes to.

Recap about the dragon brain component:
- so, it is true I have come to vividly know that the utter discomfort I always felt from talking, which was clearly and had always been talking in ways synchronized to piggo mammals', came from the "shortening" of oxygen, for the reptillien brain component
- the pain fromthere is a different kind of pain.  Quite unique would have to say, and nothing "attracting" about it (not anything spikey and ultra alarm, attention drawing)
- dragon brain is way better brain, in simple and shorted words. It gives unbelievable memory.  To this day I still remember everything from age 2 to today.  This actually has an interesting effect I shall disclose here (perhaps first time anyone of us disclose this type of deal, stuff like this): because the memory is so good, sometimes I would wake up and think it's sometime in the past, only to spend 15 seconds and then realize it was the brain doing that memory "relocation" thing or something.  My mornings can be slow, (so does my everyday actually also, but then it's mammal standard, rabid mammal standard, yeah) hours can be spent on retracing whether it's the right memory file I am on or not - checking and wondering every furniture, location, things, including the height of my view.
- memories take 5 seconds to sip in for the dragonbrain.  
- not much related to the above entry: all of us may sound and talk slow, it's not due to "slow", it's thinking more, and in depth
- it is in my firm guess and belief now that all the past legends must've been this common emergeant, of what I have, yes, dragon brain  (that's the source, where the result (the exterior; the looks we see) is the effect of this cause)
- the utter intelligence gap between me and other people, or Henry A. with other people probably is due to this.  And this "phonemenom" act as a proof for this hypothesis statement
- no one can be better than dragon thinkers in theory and philosophy.  We also hold incredible power in knowing how every creature thinks - we can enter their minds, which we think the mammal brain is never capable of (like as if a wall blockades it type of never).
(many points and details omitted)
(some secrets are also un(meaning not)mentioned here)

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