

Saturday 16 August 2014

666 Dynasty Speculations (from the dragonborn)

—  the British East India Company was the roothenchild's division, and not that of the British crown
—  from there, I views it was not considerate enough on the reduced queen's side for not exposing them - as though themselves may be comfortable enough, they have a second career they may not came to vivid realization of - being a statue (fixed-like object as if) sending out the message it was we behind it.  Perhaps opening the mouth on the truth in politics which they knew would've prevented this day and their later pains too
—  Britain became a constitutional monarchy on 1686, pardon just checked right now and got the real data: on year 1688 A.D.  So this meant Roothenchild dynasty began in Britain during those period
—  Bill of Rights was elected in similar periods, and is an object tied with the "constitutional monarchy reform".  This too must've been a roothenchild object, their doing
—  the "french revolution" that occured later? their next conquest.  and koodos to the French people (the good ones that is) for being this clueless when fighting an advanced foe - they clearly did not see the alarming true level of threat  in clarity
—  going back 2 entries ago, so at about the time Britain lost their country pretty much entirely to the Roothenchild invaders, China was too fighting, the Qing (manchurian) invaders.  China's true dynasty Ming had fallen to the northern foreign ethnic invaders through combination of high treason, foul weather, peasant revolts, fiscal inproper management and weaker army during that same period in history as Britain had lost theirs

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