

Friday 29 August 2014

Reich Fury ♦ Fury of the Reich

  Time is limited, we are admist a war, so pardon for the judgement-sounding tone herein, so to speaks, (as oppose to a calmer, more smoother one) and thanks for understanding.

Who is not accepted to be an Aryan or a citizen of a colony or territory of Third Reich?
- all physically unfit (precisely means the ones lacking the will to physically fit) (these ones tend to discriminate against ones that are physically fit and has no flaws, at heart)
- scoudel males, failure males, males that are result of monogamy basically, and by natural order otherwise would not be in this energy level, abundancy, wealth level and etc
- small guy; the toxic vile humanoid types - all vile strands of humanoids by Darwin Association belong to a different category than other human groups, as followed henceforth by the central Reich Committee, thus cannot be allowed entry to any of governed territories
- very anti-social individuals - all creeps, fermented bodies, zombies are to be escorted out before March 17th, 2025, as deemed by the Central Government of Germany.  Moderate level of anti-social individuals are to be determined for future status
- basically and all in all, and this category covers all others in lapse (not sure what this term means, but let's use it ^^): all unfits.  Elaboration: the sheeples would like to tell us it's the unskilled.  By heaven's embrace though, unfit is what counts, and not unskill.  If by skill, then all of the vilains deserve better seating in society than the honest sincere beings - bunnies would be F student, so would ever pikachu, while a sadistic fiend would score C or sometimes even A.  We would like to inform those sheeples that say such to us whether they would be delighted to get replaced by leopards as they run much faster.
- many other category, see other documents for references
(some categories herein above overlap, as we understand and are aware of)
(one could effectively say all of the above mentioned are criminal entities; are criminals)

This great foe, what are the features and abilities of the Sheeple Amass?
- well numbered, well financed.
- Together in tally, they are the 2nd largest nation in this world
- the fact that they are the largest gang I think speaks for itself
- another feature of the sheeple amass: utter shameless and moral-less.  Their copy of moral is one that's mediocre, but right enough so it functions most time.  It's a copy they use solely to talk to us
- they've beaten about everybody now in getting privileges: bears, cows, chickens, hens, pigs, everybody in the encyclopedia of creatures list.  They had secured the throne, they've become the king, and recent centuries began deliberately attacking our guys
- does their work in soft-kill fashion, and runs in conspiray manner
- though mediocre at everything that's Aryan nature, these are phDs of wormism sliminess, so to speak
- a great trait of this sheeple amass: very gamble-ly, and loudness based.  During the scenario at which they fail at the gamble, quietness presides them. When the opposite happens, they use the loudness to make it look as if legitimate, and are of courseio-cee the exact same level of skill as us if not more since they are "crapper" therefore must've outperformed (had an amazing performance)
- these little vile urchins 2-legs magnificantly traverse their entire unliving life on the edge of law, again using their loudness and conspired phony actings, in life-risking and out-ugly manner shamelessly attempt to accomplish (their version of accomplish is to delay eventual fall as long as possible).  Scientists agree on they must tell themselves daily piles of delusions for them to stay metabolismly stable over their hideous "life" style.
- basically put, and a final point for this post: saying mimikery-sounding (yes notice the inaccurate and unbeatiful plus odd pronounciations) nonsense to us here and there acting all innocent. At times when doing their ultimate spells, would be speeching in words of "I love you" while denying the true human person a first med kit
- one more thing, everything the sheeple amass been telling is a scam.  It's not true that all humans are a specie. It's also not sure that the society is a society - it's an ecosystem since they are here.  And foremostly above all, it's wrong for them to be here while pandas are neglected of their civil rights - that's what life is about and where the standard deserve to be at~
 (and many more~)

Additional Tags: |let's get this right, tag section became full,  character space,  ok there we go, let's do this,  keep it up, time is urgent, busy busy, I think it's good so far,  fresh new points, right,  comrades,  independent work,  ok that's it for now, tag section migration, transportation,  good things in life, references, music, meanings embedded, archmane who sings music well,  equal good tnough,  uncolored font,  though don't have to be, otherwise take away serious, may look like candy store, haha, yeah,  hehehe yeh  |a truth teller tells truth 100% of the time,  come in indeitification is the key, milestone, and guess whether the phonies would inform us of this, hehehehe, lol yeah,  worthy investigation, pondering overnight,  fighting diseases, cancer, while a phony would tell falseinfo 100% of the time,  got the rules set, that is right.,  I will acknowledge, and continue to acknowledge these important key points every time,  that's key,  central goals,  for the resurrection of Destuch Reich,  ah sounds beautiful, a beautiful name,   we wolves and bears gotta stick up for each other more tha never lads, yeah,  the sheeples are directly aimmed at maiming us,  actively so, tossing all they could and all that they've got, no amtter shameless the route, of, and receive,  lend a hand to a fellow samurai if you can, thank you,  we know who the criminal hideous are,  those softies, and such,  the plague amass,  guardian of forest, like wolves, aryans,  closely resembles, needless for me to say,   Sheeples got the thing established, and then proceeds to toss as many distractions, well-numbered, as they can,  letting the mushroom plague grow by itself, buying time, through doing that,  


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