

Friday 22 August 2014

Individualism and Departmenterization - On the Self-Centred Operational Way


Each person doing their own thing means chaos, as what solar system doesn't orbit around the sun.

This proverb applies to all businesses, departments, government organizations, gangs, parties, groups, associations and so on.
- Thomas Madison

Additional Tags:  too rapid, "growth", accelerated,  haha, goblin merchants, venture co, ventur ec. took over origrimmar, I shall acknowledge every time on here,  that roller-troller gave me wrong essence, in facvt shouldn't even appear as its, fact()(), appearance even if compliment is repulsive, spitter was it,  gave me the wrong essence, though sentence "sound" right, and whose standard would that be again seeing it right, oh fellow conspired troll-hater's,  we see now,  ignoramous, dangerous cancer, cancer cells, am I a cancer cell thinking that way about legit, did run thorough scan, nope is the result yielded by le function,  cartoon expert drawer, art,  |further tags transported: replication,  english language,  |negative, bad, foul, polymerization, unpolymerization this would be rather, comma cancelled, ok comma restored,

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