

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Report 000011111

 sheeples tend to violently act like doing no harm must mean doing no damage, when the real truth is doing no harm can mean wasting people's time all the way sliding across the spectrum to giving benefits or gifts
— a great number of noble male population diminished help the sheeple amass greatly
— a large portion died in the Civil Wars in Virmin, while for Europa, a great number died in two major wars
— while the rest portion been eliminated and heavily weakened by instigated policies, programs and the entreacherous monogamy policy
— sheeples are now the #1 gang round this world.  their combined GDP total is larger than bottom 200 nations combined - though on their own, they be stuck in stone age and worse
— sheeples constantly ransom us, risks their own lives to "fight" others
— a correct solution would be to eliminate their fundation altogether, and that is their existence itself
— and not to be bothered with their plays, getting entangled with them in any medium, in any form
— one thing worthy pay attention to is that within those percentage of male deaths, majority had been the bravest and often most noble types, while the cowardice and self-perservist types usually get kept out

— sheeples are completely skilled and well-professionalized in slimery, often give us their substitutes, their version of definition of class, what to look for in a person, how to judge a human, the level of importance of virtues and character, their changed versions.  and the aim behind it is eternally sheeple aims.  the changes in those substitued versions often have subtle differences (with the real ones).  when they say their version, after some analysis, the trick they had embedded in becomes visible.

— sheeple traits to highlight here in this blog post:
• glutton,
• lazy,
• cancerous,
• dysfunctional,
• incoherantcy

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