

Monday 25 August 2014

Operation Blue Eyes Red Dragon


Operation Red Eyes Blue Dragon

Step 1: internal colonization first phase begins, media ramp up to stories, begins taking control of situation through commentating and seemingly filling of duties such as reporting
  Step 2: militarization of police, increase of other federal troops
    Step 3: purge any sillydorky ministers and officer-position personnels, pension cut ramps up.  other deprivations slowly tick up to reaching stage known as stage of suffucation
      Step 4: followed by concentration camps, shutting down of water and electrcitiy, combined with militaristic force
        Step 5: direct confrontations vs unrests
          Step 6: summarization phase. internal colonization achieved, objectives completed

> principles of this operation are omitted.  ways to bypass constitution plus clever use of media, excuse-generation and such are skipped in this article.

R B  B  B     B     B  B  

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